Git-it - GitHub 一位女员工写的 Git 教程

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Step-by-step instructions for each of the challenges in the Git-it workshop. View the 繁体中文版.

This guide comes with Git-it when you install it so it works offline and you can use it as a resource at anytime (see the instructions when you select a challenge in terminal). Have fun!

Git-it Challenges

  1. Get Git Install and configure Git
  2. Repository Create a local repository
  3. Commit to it Check status, add and commit changes
  4. GitHubbin Get a GitHub account
  5. Remote Control Connect local repositories to remote ones on
  6. Forks and Clones Fork and clone an open source repository
  7. Branches aren't just for Birds Create a branch for features/changes
  8. It's a Small World Add and sync with a collaborator (Hi, @reporobot!)
  9. Pull, Never Out of Date Push and pull to sync changes to
  10. Requesting You Pull Please Create a pull request
  11. Merge Tada Merge and delete branches
