sound.js | Aleen

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A JavaScript project for using Web Audio API to do something awesome.


Before installation, you are supposed to install Webpack, which is used to bundle this project:

sudo npm install webpack -g

After that, just clone and build it locally:

git clone

cd sound.js

# install needed dependencies
npm install

# this command is used to load songs of the path: assets/songs/,
# and you can see that a songlist.json will be created at the assets folder.
npm run load

# build up the project
npm run build

# build up a local server to run this project, which is going to listen at
# http://localhost:9000
npm run server 9000


If you want to load songs locally, you can just paste files with a .mp3 format into the folder: assets/songs/. After that, remember to run npm run build again to build this project.

Notice that: this project is temporarily supported MP3 files, and any file without a extension name .mp3 will not be loaded.


If you don't want to use assets/songs, you can just override the variable base array in the file load.js:

const base = [
    /** wrong pointer which will cause resources missing error */

    /** make a soft link like using `ln -s ./../music ./assets/music` */

Notice that: because a resource outside a server root is invisible, so if you are using Linux/Mac OS, remember to make a soft link to a path, which is under the root of this project, or this project will have broken down with a relative path like ./../music/. If you are using Windows OS, I'm very sorry to say that, you have to copy your directory into this project, so that it can be loaded.

:fuelpump: How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

:scroll: License

MIT © aleen42

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