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simpler paper, 中文
a very simple document generator. preview


  • Agility. just one script(13k, gizp: ~5k), no framework.

  • Easy. just one command.

  • Lazy load.

  • Auto compatible mobile phone.

  • More themes. simpler-paper-themes

Getting Started

  1. install and init:
# install
npm i -g simpler-paper

# init (create "paper.config.json" in project document directory)
paper init
  1. usage:

Don't forget to add some markdown files.

# build to html
paper build

# preview
paper server
  1. deploy:
paper deploy


you can create a json file in the document directory.

run paper init can quickly create paper.config.json

// paper.config.json
  // document the alias, the value will be displayed after compilation, default: null
  "alias": {
    "quickstart": "Getting Started",

  // document title, default: "simpler paper"
  "title": "",

  // generate mini maps on the right side of each document, default: true
  "minimap": true,

  // back to top button, default: true
  "backToTop": true,

  // document page path, default: "/"
  "docPath": "/",

  // loading indicator, default: true
  "indicator": true

Quickstart video

simpler paper quickstart