[英] Elixir, Phoenix, Absinthe, GraphQL, React 及 Apollo 深度分析

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If you’re anything like me, at least 3 or 4 of the keywords in the title of this article fall under the category of “things I’ve been wanting to play with but haven’t gotten around to it yet.” React is the exception; I use it almost every day at work and know it front and back. I used Elixir for a project a couple of years ago, but it’s been a while and I’ve never used it in the context of GraphQL. Similarly, I’ve done a small amount of work on a project that used GraphQL with a Node.js backend and Relay on the frontend, but I barely scratched the surface of GraphQL and I’ve never used Apollo. I firmly believe that the best way to truly learn a technology is to build something with it, so I decided to take a deep dive and build a web application with all of these technologies together. If you want to skip to the end, the code is on GitHub and there’s a live demo here. (The live demo is running on a free-tier Heroku dyno, so it might take 30 seconds or so to wake up when you visit it.)

Defining our terms

First, let’s walk through the components I name-dropped above and how they will all fit together.

  • Elixir is a server-side programming language.
  • Phoenix is the most popular web server framework for Elixir. Ruby : Rails :: Elixir : Phoenix.
  • GraphQL is a query language for APIs.
  • Absinthe is the most popular Elixir library for implementing a GraphQL server.
  • Apollo is a popular JavaScript library for consuming a GraphQL API. (Apollo also has a server-side package, used for implementing a GraphQL server in Node.js, but I’m only using the client to consume my Elixir GraphQL server.)
  • React is a popular JavaScript framework for building frontend user interfaces. (You probably already knew this one.)

What am I building?

I decided to build a toy social network. It seemed simple enough to feasibly accomplish in a reasonable amount of time, but complex enough that I would encounter the challenges of getting everything working in a real-world application. My social network is creatively called Socializer. Users can make posts and comment on other users’ posts. Socializer also has a chat feature; users can start private conversations with other users, and each conversation can have any number of users (i.e. group chat).

Why Elixir?

Elixir has been steadily gaining in popularity over the last several years. It runs on the Erlang VM, and you can write Erlang syntax directly in an Elixir file, but it is designed to provide a much friendier syntax for developers while keeping the speed and fault tolerance of Erlang. Elixir is dynamically typed, and the syntax feels similar to ruby. However, it is much more functional than ruby, and has many different idioms and patterns.

At least for me, the major draw to Elixir is the performance of the Erlang VM. It’s frankly absurd. The team at WhatsApp was able to establish two million connections to a single server using Erlang. An Elixir/Phoenix server can often serve simple requests in less than 1 millisecond; it’s thrilling seeing the μ symbol in your terminal logs for request duration.

Elixir has other benefits as well. It’s designed to be fault tolerant; you can think of the Erlang VM as a cluster of nodes, where any one node can go down without disrupting the others. This also makes it possible to do “hot code swapping”, deploying new code without having to stop and restart the application. I also find a lot of joy in its pattern matching and its pipe operator. It’s refreshing writing heavily functional code that still approaches the beauty of ruby, and I find that it drives me to think clearly about my code and write fewer bugs as a result.

Why GraphQL?

With a traditional RESTful API, the server defines what resources and routes it offers (through API documentation, or perhaps through some automated contract like Swagger) and the consumer has to make the correct sequence of calls to get the data they want. If the server has a posts endpoint to get a blog post, a comments endpoint to get the comments on the post, and a users endpoint to get the authors’ names and pictures, a consumer might have to make three separate requests to get the information it needs for one view. (For such a trivial case, obviously the API would probably permit you to retrieve the associated record data, but it illustrates the shortcoming — the request structure is arbitrarily defined by the server, rather than matching the fluid needs of each individual consumer and page). GraphQL inverts this principle — the client sends a query document describing the data it needs (possibly spanning table relationships) and the server returns it all in one request. For our blog example, a post query might look something like this:

query {
  post(id: 123) {
    user {
    comments {
      user {

This query describes all of the information that a consumer might need to render a page with a blog post: the ID, body, and timestamp of the post itself; the ID, name, and avatar URL of the user who published the post; the IDs, bodies, and timestamps of the comments on the post; and the IDs, names, and avatar URLs of the user who submitted each comment. The structure is intuitive and flexible; it’s great for building interfaces because you can just describe the data you want, rather than contorting around the structure offered by an API.

There are two other key concepts in GraphQL: mutations and subscriptions. A mutation is a query that makes a change to the data on the server; it’s the equivalent of a POST/PATCH/PUT in a RESTful API. The syntax is pretty similar to a query; here’s what a mutation to create a post might look like:

mutation {
  createPost(body: $body) {

The attributes of the record are provided as arguments, and the block describes the data you need to get back once the mutation is complete (in this case the ID, body, and timestamp of the new post).

A subscription is fairly unique to GraphQL; there isn’t really a direct analog in a RESTful API. It allows a client to say that it would like to receive live updates from the server every time a particular event happens. For example, if I want the homepage to live update every time a new post is created, I might write a post subscription like this:

subscription {
  postCreated {
    user {

As you can probably intuit, this tells the server to send me a live update any time a new post is created, and include the post’s ID, body, and timestamp, and its author’s ID, name, and avatar URL. Subscriptions are generally backed by websockets; the client keeps a socket open to the server, and the server sends a message down to the client whenever the event happens.

One last thing — GraphQL has a pretty awesome development tool called GraphiQL. It’s a web interface with a live editor where you can write and execute queries and see the results. It includes autocompletion and other sugar that makes it easy to find available queries and fields; it’s particularly great when you’re iterating on the structure of a query. You can try out the GraphiQL interface for my web application here. Try sending it the following query to fetch a list of posts with associated data (a slightly trimmed-down version of the hypothetical example above):

query {
  posts {
    user {
    comments {
      user {

Why Apollo?

Apollo has become one of the most popular GraphQL libraries, both on the server and the client. My previous experience with GraphQL was in 2016 with Relay, which is another client-side JavaScript library. To be honest, I hated it. I was drawn to the simple expressiveness of GraphQL queries, but Relay felt complex and difficult to wrap my head around; the documentation had a lot of jargon and I found it difficult to establish a base of knowledge that would let me comprehend it. To be fair, this was in Relay’s 1.0 version; they’ve made significant changes to simplify the library (which they’ve termed Relay Modern) and the documentation is a lot better these days as well. But I wanted to try something new, and Apollo has gained popularity in part because it offers a simpler development experience for building a GraphQL client application.

The server side

I started by building the server side of the application; the client isn’t all that interesting without data to consume. I was also curious how well GraphQL would deliver on the promise of being able to write client-side queries that fetched all the data I needed (vs. needing to return to make changes on the server once I started implementing my client).

Specifically, I started by defining out the basic model structure of the application. On a high level, it looks like this:

- Name
- Email
- Password hash

- User ID
- Body

- User ID
- Post ID
- Body

- Title (just the names of the participants denormalized to a string)

ConversationUser (each conversation can have any number of users)
- Conversation ID
- User ID

- Conversation ID
- User ID
- Body

Hopefully pretty straightforward. Phoenix allows you to write database migrations that are pretty similar to the ones in Rails. Here’s the migration to create the users table, for example:

# socializer/priv/repo/migrations/20190414185306_create_users.exs
defmodule Socializer.Repo.Migrations.CreateUsers do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:users) do
      add :name, :string
      add :email, :string
      add :password_hash, :string


    create unique_index(:users, [:email])

You can see the migrations for all of the other tables here.

Next, I implemented the model classes. Phoenix uses a library called Ecto for its models; you can think of Ecto as analogous to ActiveRecord but less tightly coupled to the framework. One major difference is that Ecto models do not have any instance methods. A model instance is just a struct (like a hash with predefined keys); methods that you define on a model are class methods that accept an “instance” (struct), change it in some fashion, and return the result. This approach is generally idiomatic in Elixir; it preferences functional programming and variables are immutable.

Here’s the breakdown of my Post model:

# socializer/lib/socializer/post.ex
defmodule Socializer.Post do
  use Ecto.Schema
  import Ecto.Changeset
  import Ecto.Query

  alias Socializer.{Repo, Comment, User}

  # ...

First, we bring in some other modules. In Elixir, import brings in the functions of a module (similar to includeing a model in ruby); use calls the __using__ macro on the specified module. Macros are Elixir’s mechanism for metaprogramming. alias simply makes namespaced modules available as their base name (so I can reference a User as just User rather than having to type Socializer.User everywhere).

# socializer/lib/socializer/post.ex
defmodule Socializer.Post do
  # ...

  schema "posts" do
    field :body, :string

    belongs_to :user, User
    has_many :comments, Comment


  # ...

Next, we have the schema. Ecto models must explicitly describe each attribute in the schema (unlike ActiveRecord, for example, which introspects the underlying database table and creates attributes for each field). The schema macro is made available by the use Ecto.Schema in the previous section.

# socializer/lib/socializer/post.ex
defmodule Socializer.Post do
  # ...

  def all do
    Repo.all(from p in __MODULE__, order_by: [desc: p.id])

  def find(id) do
    Repo.get(__MODULE__, id)

  # ...

After the schema, I’ve defined a few helper functions for fetching posts from the database. With Ecto, the Repo module is used for all database queries; for example, Repo.get(Post, 123) would look up the post with ID 123. The database query syntax in the search method is made available by the import Ecto.Query at the top of the class. Finally, __MODULE__ is just a shorthand for the current module (i.e. Socializer.Post).

# socializer/lib/socializer/post.ex
defmodule Socializer.Post do
  # ...

  def create(attrs) do
    |> changeset()
    |> Repo.insert()

  def changeset(attrs) do
    |> changeset(attrs)

  def changeset(post, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:body, :user_id])
    |> validate_required([:body, :user_id])
    |> foreign_key_constraint(:user_id)

The changeset methods are Ecto’s approach to creating and updating records: you begin with a Post struct (either from an existing post or an empty one), “cast” (apply) the changed attributes, run through any validations, and then insert it into the database.

And that’s it for our first model. You can find the rest of the models here.

The GraphQL schema

Next, I wired up the GraphQL components of the server. These can generally be grouped into two categories: types and resolvers. In types files, you use a DSL-like syntax to declare the objects, fields, and relations that are available to be queried. Resolvers are the “glue” that tells the server how to respond to any given query.

Here’s what my post types look like:

# socializer/lib/socializer_web/schema/post_types.ex
defmodule SocializerWeb.Schema.PostTypes do
  use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
  use Absinthe.Ecto, repo: Socializer.Repo

  alias SocializerWeb.Resolvers

  @desc "A post on the site"
  object :post do
    field :id, :id
    field :body, :string
    field :inserted_at, :naive_datetime

    field :user, :user, resolve: assoc(:user)

    field :comments, list_of(:comment) do
        assoc(:comments, fn comments_query, _args, _context ->
          comments_query |> order_by(desc: :id)

  # ...

After our uses and imports, we start out by simply defining the :post object for GraphQL. The ID, body, and inserted_at will implictly use values directly from the Post struct. Next, we declare a couple of associations that can be queried on the post — the user who created the post and the comments on the post. I’m overriding the comments association just to make sure that we always return the comments in the order they were inserted. I’ll note here that Absinthe transparently handles translating the casing of query and field names — it’s idiomatic in Elixir to use snake_case for variables and method names, while names in a GraphQL query use camelCase.

# socializer/lib/socializer_web/schema/post_types.ex
defmodule SocializerWeb.Schema.PostTypes do
  # ...

  object :post_queries do
    @desc "Get all posts"
    field :posts, list_of(:post) do

    @desc "Get a specific post"
    field :post, :post do
      arg(:id, non_null(:id))

  # ...

Next, we’ll declare a couple of root-level queries that involve posts. posts allows querying all posts on the site while post fetches a single post by ID. The types file simply declares the queries along with arguments and return types; the actual implementation is delegated to the resolver.

# socializer/lib/socializer_web/schema/post_types.ex
defmodule SocializerWeb.Schema.PostTypes do
  # ...

  object :post_mutations do
    @desc "Create post"
    field :create_post, :post do
      arg(:body, non_null(:string))


  # ...

After the queries, we declare a mutation that allows creating a new post on the site. As with the queries, the types file simply declares the metadata about the mutations, while the resolver will actually handle the implementation.

# socializer/lib/socializer_web/schema/post_types.ex
defmodule SocializerWeb.Schema.PostTypes do
  # ...

  object :post_subscriptions do
    field :post_created, :post do
      config(fn _, _ ->
        {:ok, topic: "posts"}

        topic: fn _ ->

Finally, we declare a subscription related to posts, :post_created. This allows clients to subscribe and receive an update any time a new post is created. config is used to set up the subscription, while trigger tells Absinthe what mutation should invoke the subscription. The topic allows you to segment subscription responses — in this case, we want to update the client about any post no matter what, but in other cases we only want to notify about certain changes. For example, here’s the comment subscription — the client only wants to know about new comments on a specific post (not every post) so it provides a post_id argument as the topic.

defmodule SocializerWeb.Schema.CommentTypes do
  # ...

  object :comment_subscriptions do
    field :comment_created, :comment do
      arg(:post_id, non_null(:id))

      config(fn args, _ ->
        {:ok, topic: args.post_id}

        topic: fn comment ->

While I’ve broken out my types to separate files for each model, it’s worth noting that Absinthe requires you to assemble all of the types in a single Schema module. It looks like this:

defmodule SocializerWeb.Schema do
  use Absinthe.Schema

  # ...other models' types

  query do
    # ...other models' queries

  mutation do
    # ...other models' mutations

  subscription do
    # ...other models' subscriptions


As I mentioned above, resolvers are the “glue” of a GraphQL server — they contain the logic to provide data for a query or apply a mutation. Let’s walk through the post resolver:

# lib/socializer_web/resolvers/post_resolver.ex
defmodule SocializerWeb.Resolvers.PostResolver do
  alias Socializer.Post

  def list(_parent, _args, _resolutions) do
    {:ok, Post.all()}

  def show(_parent, args, _resolutions) do
    case Post.find(args[:id]) do
      nil -> {:error, "Not found"}
      post -> {:ok, post}

  # ...

The first two methods handle the two queries defined above — for loading all of the posts and loading a specific post. Absinthe expects every resolver method to return a tuple — either {:ok, requested_data} or {:error, some_error} (this is a common pattern for Elixir methods in general). The case statement in the show method is a nice example of pattern-matching in Elixir — if the Post.find returns nil, we return the error tuple; if anything else, we return the found post.

# lib/socializer_web/resolvers/post_resolver.ex
defmodule SocializerWeb.Resolvers.PostResolver do
  # ...

  def create(_parent, args, %{
        context: %{current_user: current_user}
      }) do
    |> Map.put(:user_id, current_user.id)
    |> Post.create()
    |> case do
      {:ok, post} ->
        {:ok, post}

      {:error, changeset} ->
        {:error, extract_error_msg(changeset)}

  def create(_parent, _args, _resolutions) do
    {:error, "Unauthenticated"}

  # ...

Next, we have the create resolver, which contains the logic for creating a new post. This is also a good example of pattern-matching via method parameters — Elixir allows you to overload a method name and will select the first implementation that matches the declared pattern. In this case, if the third parameter is a map with a context key, containing a map with a current_user key, then the first method is used; if the query did not come with an authentication token, it will fall through to the second method and return an error.

# lib/socializer_web/resolvers/post_resolver.ex
defmodule SocializerWeb.Resolvers.PostResolver do
  # ...

  defp extract_error_msg(changeset) do
    |> Enum.map(fn {field, {error, _details}} ->
        field: field,
        message: String.capitalize(error)

Finally, we have a simple helper method for returning an error response if the post attributes are invalid (e.g. if the body is blank). Absinthe wants error messages to be a string, an array of strings, or an array of keyword lists with field and message keys — in our case, we extract the Ecto validation errors on each field into such a keyword list.


I alluded in the last section to the concept of a query being authenticated — in my case, denoted simply with a Bearer: token in the authorization header. How do we get from that token to the current_user context in the resolver? With a custom Plug that reads the header and looks up the current user. In Phoenix, a Plug is a piece of the pipeline for a request — you might have plugs that decode JSON, add CORS headers, or really any other composable part of handling a request. Our plug looks like this:

# lib/socializer_web/context.ex
defmodule SocializerWeb.Context do
  @behaviour Plug

  import Plug.Conn

  alias Socializer.{Guardian, User}

  def init(opts), do: opts

  def call(conn, _) do
    context = build_context(conn)
    Absinthe.Plug.put_options(conn, context: context)

  def build_context(conn) do
    with ["Bearer " <> token] <- get_req_header(conn, "authorization"),
         {:ok, claim} <- Guardian.decode_and_verify(token),
         user when not is_nil(user) <- User.find(claim["sub"]) do
      %{current_user: user}
      _ -> %{}

The first two methods are just plumbing — nothing interesting to do on initialization (in other cases, we might use the initializer to do some work based on configuration options), and when the plug is called, we just want to set the current user in the request context. The build_context method is where the interesting work happens. The with statement is another variation on pattern-matching in Elixir; it allows you to execute a series of asymmetrical steps and act on the result. In this case, we get the authorization header; then we decode the authentication token (using the Guardian library); then we look up the user. If all of the steps succeed then we move forward into the with block, simply returning a map containing the current user. If any of the steps fail (the second step might return an {:error, ...} tuple that fails the pattern match; the third step might return nil if the user doesn’t exist) then the else is executed, and we don’t set a current user.

Testing — server side

Now that we’ve gotten all that code written, how do we make sure it keeps working? There’s a few different layers to think about testing here. First, we should unit test the models — do they validate correctly and do their helper methods return what’s expected? Second, we should also unit test the resolvers — do they handle different cases (success and error) and return the correct data or apply the correct change? Third, we should write some complete integration tests, sending a query to the server and expecting the response to be correct. This helps us keep a handle on the big picture, and also ensures we cover cases like the authentication logic. Fourth, we will want tests on our subscriptions — do they correctly notify the socket when relevant changes are made?

Elixir has a basic built-in testing library called ExUnit. It contains simple assert/refute helpers and handles running your tests. It’s also common in Phoenix to set up “case” support files; these are included in tests to run common setup tasks like connecting to the database. Beyond the defaults, there are two helper libraries that I found helpful in my tests — ex_spec and ex_machina. ex_spec adds simple describe and it macros that make the testing syntax feel a little friendlier, at least from my ruby background. ex_machina provides factories which make it easy to dynamically insert test data.

My factories look like this:

# test/support/factories.ex
defmodule Socializer.Factory do
  use ExMachina.Ecto, repo: Socializer.Repo

  def user_factory do
      name: Faker.Name.name(),
      email: Faker.Internet.email(),
      password: "password",
      password_hash: Bcrypt.hash_pwd_salt("password")

  def post_factory do
      body: Faker.Lorem.paragraph(),
      user: build(:user)

  # ...factories for other models

And after importing the factory into the case setup, it can be used in tests with a very intuitive syntax:

# Insert a user
user = insert(:user)

# Insert a user with a specific name
user_named = insert(:user, name: "John Smith")

# Insert a post for the user
post = insert(:post, user: user)

With the setup out of the way, here’s what the Post model test looks like:

# test/socializer/post_test.exs
defmodule Socializer.PostTest do
  use SocializerWeb.ConnCase

  alias Socializer.Post

  describe "#all" do
    it "finds all posts" do
      post_a = insert(:post)
      post_b = insert(:post)
      results = Post.all()
      assert length(results) == 2
      assert List.first(results).id == post_b.id
      assert List.last(results).id == post_a.id

  describe "#find" do
    it "finds post" do
      post = insert(:post)
      found = Post.find(post.id)
      assert found.id == post.id

  describe "#create" do
    it "creates post" do
      user = insert(:user)
      valid_attrs = %{user_id: user.id, body: "New discussion"}
      {:ok, post} = Post.create(valid_attrs)
      assert post.body == "New discussion"

  describe "#changeset" do
    it "validates with correct attributes" do
      user = insert(:user)
      valid_attrs = %{user_id: user.id, body: "New discussion"}
      changeset = Post.changeset(%Post{}, valid_attrs)
      assert changeset.valid?

    it "does not validate with missing attrs" do
      changeset =

      refute changeset.valid?

Hopefully this test is fairly intuitive. For each case, we insert any needed test data, invoke the method being tested, and make assertions about the results.

Next, let’s look at a resolver test:

# test/socializer_web/resolvers/post_resolver_test.exs
defmodule SocializerWeb.PostResolverTest do
  use SocializerWeb.ConnCase

  alias SocializerWeb.Resolvers.PostResolver

  describe "#list" do
    it "returns posts" do
      post_a = insert(:post)
      post_b = insert(:post)
      {:ok, results} = PostResolver.list(nil, nil, nil)
      assert length(results) == 2
      assert List.first(results).id == post_b.id
      assert List.last(results).id == post_a.id

  describe "#show" do
    it "returns specific post" do
      post = insert(:post)
      {:ok, found} = PostResolver.show(nil, %{id: post.id}, nil)
      assert found.id == post.id

    it "returns not found when post does not exist" do
      {:error, error} = PostResolver.show(nil, %{id: 1}, nil)
      assert error == "Not found"

  describe "#create" do
    it "creates valid post with authenticated user" do
      user = insert(:user)

      {:ok, post} =
        PostResolver.create(nil, %{body: "Hello"}, %{
          context: %{current_user: user}

      assert post.body == "Hello"
      assert post.user_id == user.id

    it "returns error for missing params" do
      user = insert(:user)

      {:error, error} =
        PostResolver.create(nil, %{}, %{
          context: %{current_user: user}

      assert error == [[field: :body, message: "Can't be blank"]]

    it "returns error for unauthenticated user" do
      {:error, error} = PostResolver.create(nil, %{body: "Hello"}, nil)

      assert error == "Unauthenticated"

The resolver tests are also fairly simple — they’re also unit tests, just operating at one layer up from the models. We insert any setup data, invoke the resolver, and expect the correct result to be returned.

The integration tests get a little more complicated. We need to set up a connection (possibly with authentication) and send it a query to ensure we get the correct result. I found this post extremely helpful in learning how to set up integration tests for Absinthe.

First, we create a helper file with some of the common functionality that the integration tests will need:

# test/support/absinthe_helpers.ex
defmodule Socializer.AbsintheHelpers do
  alias Socializer.Guardian

  def authenticate_conn(conn, user) do
    {:ok, token, _claims} = Guardian.encode_and_sign(user)
    Plug.Conn.put_req_header(conn, "authorization", "Bearer #{token}")

  def query_skeleton(query, query_name) do
      "operationName" => "#{query_name}",
      "query" => "query #{query_name} #{query}",
      "variables" => "{}"

  def mutation_skeleton(query) do
      "operationName" => "",
      "query" => "mutation #{query}",
      "variables" => ""

There are three helper methods. The first takes a connection object and a user, and authenticates the connection by adding a header with an authentication token for the user. The second and third accept a query and return the JSON structure used to wrap a GraphQL query when sending it over the network.

Onward to the test itself:

# test/socializer_web/integration/post_resolver_test.exs
defmodule SocializerWeb.Integration.PostResolverTest do
  use SocializerWeb.ConnCase
  alias Socializer.AbsintheHelpers

  describe "#list" do
    it "returns posts" do
      post_a = insert(:post)
      post_b = insert(:post)

      query = """
        posts {

      res =
        |> post("/graphiql", AbsintheHelpers.query_skeleton(query, "posts"))

      posts = json_response(res, 200)["data"]["posts"]
      assert List.first(posts)["id"] == to_string(post_b.id)
      assert List.last(posts)["id"] == to_string(post_a.id)

  # ...

This test exercises the endpoint to query for a list of posts. We start by inserting some posts into the database; write the query; post it to the connection; and check the response to make sure our test data was returned as expected.

There’s a very similar test for the endpoint to show a single post, but we’ll skip it for brevity (you can look through all of the integration tests here if you want). Let’s look at the integration test for the post creation mutation:

# test/socializer_web/integration/post_resolver_test.exs
defmodule SocializerWeb.Integration.PostResolverTest do
  # ...

  describe "#create" do
    it "creates post" do
      user = insert(:user)

      mutation = """
        createPost(body: "A few thoughts") {
          user {

      res =
        |> AbsintheHelpers.authenticate_conn(user)
        |> post("/graphiql", AbsintheHelpers.mutation_skeleton(mutation))

      post = json_response(res, 200)["data"]["createPost"]
      assert post["body"] == "A few thoughts"
      assert post["user"]["id"] == to_string(user.id)

Pretty similar, but two differences around the request — we pipe the connection through AbsintheHelpers.authenticate_conn(user) to add the user’s authentication token, and we invoke the mutation_skeleton helper instead of query_skeleton.

How about subscription tests? These also involve a bit of setup to create a socket connection where we can establish and exercise the subscription. I found this article extremely helpful for understanding the setup process for a subscription test.

First, we create a new “case” to do the setup for subscription tests. It looks like this:

# test/support/subscription_case.ex
defmodule SocializerWeb.SubscriptionCase do
  use ExUnit.CaseTemplate

  alias Socializer.Guardian

  using do
    quote do
      use SocializerWeb.ChannelCase
      use Absinthe.Phoenix.SubscriptionTest, schema: SocializerWeb.Schema
      use ExSpec
      import Socializer.Factory

      setup do
        user = insert(:user)

        # When connecting to a socket, if you pass a token we will set the context's `current_user`
        params = %{
          "token" => sign_auth_token(user)

        {:ok, socket} = Phoenix.ChannelTest.connect(SocializerWeb.AbsintheSocket, params)
        {:ok, socket} = Absinthe.Phoenix.SubscriptionTest.join_absinthe(socket)

        {:ok, socket: socket, user: user}

      defp sign_auth_token(user) do
        {:ok, token, _claims} = Guardian.encode_and_sign(user)

After the common imports, we define a setup step which inserts a new user and sets up a websocket authenticated with the user’s token. We return the socket and the user for our tests to use.

Next, let’s have a look at the test itself:

defmodule SocializerWeb.PostSubscriptionsTest do
  use SocializerWeb.SubscriptionCase

  describe "Post subscription" do
    it "updates on new post", %{socket: socket} do
      # Query to establish the subscription.
      subscription_query = """
        subscription {
          postCreated {

      # Push the query onto the socket.
      ref = push_doc(socket, subscription_query)

      # Assert that the subscription was successfully created.
      assert_reply(ref, :ok, %{subscriptionId: _subscription_id})

      # Query to create a new post to invoke the subscription.
      create_post_mutation = """
        mutation CreatePost {
          createPost(body: "Big discussion") {

      # Push the mutation onto the socket.
      ref =

      # Assert that the mutation successfully created the post.
      assert_reply(ref, :ok, reply)
      data = reply.data["createPost"]
      assert data["body"] == "Big discussion"

      # Assert that the subscription notified us of the new post.
      assert_push("subscription:data", push)
      data = push.result.data["postCreated"]
      assert data["body"] == "Big discussion"

First, we write a subscription query, and push it onto the socket that we constructed during the test setup. Next, we write a mutation that’s expected to trigger the subscription (i.e. creating a new post) and push that onto the socket. Finally, we check the push response to assert that we were pushed an update about the newly created post. A bit more setup involved, but this gives us a nice end-to-end test on the lifecycle of a subscription.

The client

Whew! That’s a pretty decent outline of what’s happening on the server side — it handles queries as defined in the types, implemented in the resolvers, using the models to query and persist data. Next, let’s take a look at how the client is built.

I started out with create-react-app, which is great for bootstrapping React projects — it sets up a “hello world” React app with sound defaults and structure, and abstracts away a lot of the configuration.

I’m using React Router for the routing in my application; this will allow users to navigate between a list of posts, a single post, a chat conversation, etc. The root component of my application looks something like this:

// client/src/App.js
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { ApolloProvider } from "react-apollo";
import { BrowserRouter, Switch, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import { createClient } from "util/apollo";
import { Meta, Nav } from "components";
import { Chat, Home, Login, Post, Signup } from "pages";

const App = () => {
  const client = useRef(createClient());

  return (
    <ApolloProvider client={client.current}>
        <Meta />
        <Nav />

          <Route path="/login" component={Login} />
          <Route path="/signup" component={Signup} />
          <Route path="/posts/:id" component={Post} />
          <Route path="/chat/:id?" component={Chat} />
          <Route component={Home} />

A few pieces here — util/apollo exposes a createClient function that creates and returns an Apollo client instance (more on that next). Wrapping it in a useRef makes the same client instance available for the lifetime of the application (i.e. across rerenders). The ApolloProvider HOC makes the client available in context for child components/queries. The BrowserRouter uses the HTML5 history API to keep the URL state in sync as we navigate around the application.

The Switch and Route components merit their own discussion. React Router is built around the concept of “dynamic” routing. Most web server frameworks use “static” routing, which is to say that your URL matches exactly one route and renders an entire page based on that route. With “dynamic” routing, routes are sprinkled throughout the application, and more than one route can match the URL. This sounds confusing, but it’s actually really nice once you get the hang of it. It makes it easy to build screens that have different components which react to different parts of the route. For example, imagine a messenger screen similar to Facebook messenger (Socializer’s chat interface is similar) — the left side always shows a list of conversations, and the right side shows a conversation only if one is selected. Dynamic routing lets me express that like so:

const App = () => {
  return (
    // ...
    <Route path="/chat/:id?" component={Chat} />
    // ...

const Chat = () => {
  return (
      <ChatSidebar />

        <Route path="/chat/:id" component={Conversation} />
        <Route component={EmptyState} />

The root-level App renders the Chat component if the route starts with /chat (possibly with an ID on the end, i.e. /chat/123). The Chat component renders the sidebar (which should always be visible) and then renders its own routes, which show a Conversation if the route has an ID (note the lack of a ? so the :id parameter is not optional) and otherwise falls through to an empty state. This is the power of dynamic routing — it lets you progressively render different pieces of the interface based on the current URL, while localizing route-based concerns to the relevant component.

Even with dynamic routing, sometimes you want to render exactly one route (similar to a traditional static router). That’s where the Switch component comes in. Without the Switch, React Router will render every component that matches the current URL, so in our Chat component above we would get both the conversation and the empty state message. Switch tells React Router to only render the first route matching the current URL, and ignore the rest.

The Apollo client

Now that we’ve got that down, let’s dive a bit deeper into the Apollo client — specifically the createClient function referenced above. The util/apollo.js file looks like this:

// client/src/util.apollo.js
import ApolloClient from "apollo-client";
import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory";
import * as AbsintheSocket from "@absinthe/socket";
import { createAbsintheSocketLink } from "@absinthe/socket-apollo-link";
import { Socket as PhoenixSocket } from "phoenix";
import { createHttpLink } from "apollo-link-http";
import { hasSubscription } from "@jumpn/utils-graphql";
import { split } from "apollo-link";
import { setContext } from "apollo-link-context";
import Cookies from "js-cookie";

const HTTP_URI =
  process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
    ? "https://brisk-hospitable-indianelephant.gigalixirapp.com"
    : "http://localhost:4000";

const WS_URI =
  process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
    ? "wss://brisk-hospitable-indianelephant.gigalixirapp.com/socket"
    : "ws://localhost:4000/socket";

// ...

Starting out pretty simple. Import a bunch of dependencies that we’ll need shortly, and set constants for the HTTP URL and the websocket URL based on the current environment — pointed at my Gigalixir instance in production, or at localhost in development.

// client/src/util.apollo.js
// ...

export const createClient = () => {
  // Create the basic HTTP link.
  const httpLink = createHttpLink({ uri: HTTP_URI });

  // Create an Absinthe socket wrapped around a standard
  // Phoenix websocket connection.
  const absintheSocket = AbsintheSocket.create(
    new PhoenixSocket(WS_URI, {
      params: () => {
        if (Cookies.get("token")) {
          return { token: Cookies.get("token") };
        } else {
          return {};

  // Use the Absinthe helper to create a websocket link around
  // the socket.
  const socketLink = createAbsintheSocketLink(absintheSocket);

  // ...

An Apollo client instance requires you to provide it with a link — essentially, a connection to your GraphQL server which the Apollo client can use to make requests. There are two common kinds of links — the HTTP link, which makes requests to the GraphQL server over standard HTTP, and the websocket link, which opens a websocket connection to the server and sends queries over the socket. In our case, we actually want both. For regular queries and mutations, we’ll use the HTTP link and for subscriptions we’ll use the websocket link.

// client/src/util.apollo.js
export const createClient = () => {

  // Split traffic based on type -- queries and mutations go
  // through the HTTP link, subscriptions go through the
  // websocket link.
  const splitLink = split(
    (operation) => hasSubscription(operation.query),

  // Add a wrapper to set the auth token (if any) to the
  // authorization header on HTTP requests.
  const authLink = setContext((_, { headers }) => {
    // Get the authentication token from the cookie if it exists.
    const token = Cookies.get("token");

    // Return the headers to the context so httpLink can read them.
    return {
      headers: {
        authorization: token ? `Bearer ${token}` : "",

  const link = authLink.concat(splitLink);

  // ...

Apollo provides the split method which lets you route queries to different links based on the criteria of your choice — you can think of it like a ternary: if the query has a subscription, then send it through the socket link, else send it through the HTTP link.

We also might need to provide authentication for both of our links, if the user is currently logged in. When they log in, we’re going to set their authentication token to a token cookie (more on that in a bit). We used the token as a parameter when establishing the Phoenix websocket connection in the previous section, and here we use the setContext wrapper to set the token on the authorization header of requests over the HTTP link.

// client/src/util.apollo.js
export const createClient = () => {
  // ...

  return new ApolloClient({
    cache: new InMemoryCache(),

And that’s just about it. In addition to the link, an Apollo client also needs a cache instance; GraphQL automatically caches the results of queries to prevent duplicate requests for the same data. The basic InMemoryCache is ideal for most use cases — it just keeps the cached query data in local browser state.

Using the client — our first query

Great, so we’ve set up the Apollo client instance, and made it available throughout the application via the ApolloProvider HOC. Now let’s take a look at how it’s used to run queries and mutations. We’ll start with the Posts component, which is used to render the feed of posts on the homepage of the application.

// client/src/components/Posts.js
import React, { Fragment } from "react";
import { Query } from "react-apollo";
import gql from "graphql-tag";
import produce from "immer";
import { ErrorMessage, Feed, Loading } from "components";

export const GET_POSTS = gql`
    posts {
      user {

export const POSTS_SUBSCRIPTION = gql`
  subscription onPostCreated {
    postCreated {
      user {

// ...

We start with our imports, and then write the queries we need to render the posts. There are two — the first is a basic query to fetch the list of posts (along with information about the user who wrote each post), and the second is a subscription query to notify us of any new posts, so we can live-update the screen and keep the feed up to date.

// client/src/components/Posts.js
// ...

const Posts = () => {
  return (
      <Query query={GET_POSTS}>
        {({ loading, error, data, subscribeToMore }) => {
          if (loading) return <Loading />;
          if (error) return <ErrorMessage message={error.message} />;
          return (
              subscribeToNew={() =>
                  document: POSTS_SUBSCRIPTION,
                  updateQuery: (prev, { subscriptionData }) => {
                    if (!subscriptionData.data) return prev;
                    const newPost = subscriptionData.data.postCreated;

                    return produce(prev, (next) => {

Now we’ll implement the actual component. First, to run the base query, we render Apollo’s <Query query={GET_POSTS}>. It provides several render props to its child — loading, error, data, and subscribeToMore. If the query is loading, we just render a simple loading spinner. If there was an error, we render a generic ErrorMessage for the user. Otherwise, the query was successful, so we can render a Feed component (passing through the data.posts which contains the posts to be rendered, matching the structure of the query).

subscribeToMore is an Apollo helper for implementing a subscription that is only responsible for fetching new items in the collection that the user is currently viewing. It’s supposed to be invoked at the componentDidMount phase of the child component, which is why it’s passed through as a prop to FeedFeed is responsible for calling subscribeToNew once the Feed has rendered. We provide subscribeToMore our subscription query and an updateQuery callback, which Apollo will invoke when it receives notice that a new post has been created. When that happens, we simply push the new post onto the existing array of posts, using immer to return a new object so the component correctly rerenders.

Authentication (and mutations)

So now we’ve got a homepage that can render a list of posts, and can respond in realtime to new posts being created — how do new posts get created? For starters, we’ll want to allow users to sign in to an account, so we can associate them with their posts. This will require us to write a mutation — we need to send an email and password to the server, and get back a new authentication token for the user. Let’s get started with the login screen:

// client/src/pages/Login.js
import React, { Fragment, useContext, useState } from "react";
import { Mutation } from "react-apollo";
import { Button, Col, Container, Form, Row } from "react-bootstrap";
import Helmet from "react-helmet";
import gql from "graphql-tag";
import { Redirect } from "react-router-dom";
import renderIf from "render-if";
import { AuthContext } from "util/context";

export const LOGIN = gql`
  mutation Login($email: String!, $password: String!) {
    authenticate(email: $email, password: $password) {

The first section is similar to the query component — we import our dependencies and then write the login mutation. It accepts an email and a password, and we want to get back the ID of the authenticated user and their authentication token.

// client/src/pages/Login.js
// ...

const Login = () => {
  const { token, setAuth } = useContext(AuthContext);
  const [isInvalid, setIsInvalid] = useState(false);
  const [email, setEmail] = useState("");
  const [password, setPassword] = useState("");

  if (token) {
    return <Redirect to="/" />;

  // ...

In the component body, we first fetch the current token and a setAuth function from context (more on this AuthContext in a second). We also set some local state using useState, so we can store temporary values for the user’s email, password, and whether their credentials are invalid (so we can show an error state on the form). Finally, if the user already has an auth token, they’re already logged in so we can just redirect them to the homepage.

// client/src/pages/Login.js
// ...

const Login = () => {
  // ...

  return (
        <title>Socializer | Log in</title>
        <meta property="og:title" content="Socializer | Log in" />
      <Mutation mutation={LOGIN} onError={() => setIsInvalid(true)}>
        {(login, { data, loading, error }) => {
          if (data) {
            const {
              authenticate: { id, token },
            } = data;
            setAuth({ id, token });

          return (
                <Col md={6} xs={12}>
                    onSubmit={(e) => {
                      login({ variables: { email, password } });
                    <Form.Group controlId="formEmail">
                      <Form.Label>Email address</Form.Label>
                        onChange={(e) => {
                        <Form.Control.Feedback type="invalid">
                          Email or password is invalid

                    <Form.Group controlId="formPassword">
                        onChange={(e) => {

                    <Button variant="primary" type="submit" disabled={loading}>
                      {loading ? "Logging in..." : "Log in"}

export default Login;

There’s a decent bit here, but don’t get overwhelmed — most of it is just rendering the Bootstrap components for the form. We start with a Helmet from react-helmet — this component is a top-level page (compared to Posts which is rendered as a child of the Home page) so we want to give it a browser title and some metadata. Next we render the Mutation, passing it our mutation query from above. If the mutation returns an error, we use the onError callback to set the state to invalid, so we can show an error in the form. The mutation passes a function to its child (named login here) which will invoke the mutation, and the second argument is the same array of values that we’d get from a Query. If data is populated, that means the mutation has successfully executed, so we can store our auth token and user ID with the setAuth function. The rest of the form is pretty standard React Bootstrap — we render inputs and update the state values on change, showing an error message if the user attempted a login but their credentials were invalid.

What about that AuthContext? Once the user has authenticated, we need to somehow store their auth token on the client side. GraphQL wouldn’t really help here because it’s a chicken-and-the-egg problem — I need to have the auth token in order to authenticate the request in order to get the auth token. We could wire up Redux to store the token in local state, but that feels like overkill when we only need to store one value. Instead, we can just use the React context API to store the token in state at the root of our application, and make it available as needed.

First, let’s create a helper file which creates and exports the context:

// client/src/util/context.js
import { createContext } from "react";

export const AuthContext = createContext(null);

And then we’ll create a StateProvider HOC which we’ll render at the root of the application — it will be responsible for keeping and updating the authentication state.

// client/src/containers/StateProvider.js
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { withApollo } from "react-apollo";
import Cookies from "js-cookie";
import { refreshSocket } from "util/apollo";
import { AuthContext } from "util/context";

const StateProvider = ({ client, socket, children }) => {
  const [token, setToken] = useState(Cookies.get("token"));
  const [userId, setUserId] = useState(Cookies.get("userId"));

  // If the token changed (i.e. the user logged in
  // or out), clear the Apollo store and refresh the
  // websocket connection.
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!token) client.clearStore();
    if (socket) refreshSocket(socket);
  }, [token]);

  const setAuth = (data) => {
    if (data) {
      const { id, token } = data;
      Cookies.set("token", token);
      Cookies.set("userId", id);
    } else {

  return (
    <AuthContext.Provider value={{ token, userId, setAuth }}>

export default withApollo(StateProvider);

There’s a lot of stuff going on here. First, we create state for both the token and the userId of the authenticated user. We initialize that state by reading cookies, so we can keep the user logged in across page refreshes. Then we implement our setAuth function. If it’s invoked with null then it logs the user out; otherwise it logs the user in with the provided token and userId. Either way, it updates both the local state and the cookies.

There’s a major challenge with authentication and the Apollo websocket link. We initialize the websocket using either a token parameter if authenticated, or no token if the user is signed out. But when the authentication state changes, we need to reset the websocket connection to match. If the user starts out logged out and then logs in, we need to reset the websocket to be authenticated with their new token, so they can receive live updates for logged-in activities like chat conversations. If they start out logged in and then log out, we need to reset the websocket to be unauthenticated, so they don’t continue to receive websocket updates for an account that they’re no logger logged into. This actually turned out to be really hard — there is no well-documented solution and it took me a couple of hours to find something that worked. I ended up manually implementing a reset helper for the socket:

// client/src/util.apollo.js
export const refreshSocket = (socket) => {
  socket.channel = socket.phoenixSocket.channel("__absinthe__:control");
  socket.channelJoinCreated = false;

It disconnects the Phoenix socket, leaves the existing Phoenix channel for GraphQL updates, creates a new Phoenix channel (with the same name as the default channel that Abisnthe creates on setup), marks that the channel has not been joined yet (so Absinthe rejoins the channel on connect), and then reconnects the socket. Farther up in the file, the Phoenix socket is configured to dynamically look up the token in the cookies before each connection, so when it reconnects it will use the new authentication state. I found it frustrating that there was no good solution for what seems like a common problem, but with some manual effort I got it working well.

Finally, the useEffect in our StateProvider is what invokes the refreshSocket helper. The second argument, [token], tells React to reevaluate the function every time the token value changes. If the user has just logged out, we also call client.clearStore() to make sure that the Apollo client does not continue caching queries that contain privileged data, like the user’s conversations or messages.

And that’s pretty much all there is for the client. You can look through the rest of the components for more examples of queries, mutations, and subscriptions, but the patterns are largely the same as what we’ve walked through so far.

Testing — client side

Let’s write some tests to cover our React code. Our app comes with jest built in (create-react-app includes it by default); jest is a fairly simple and intuitive test runner for JavaScript. It also includes some advanced features like snapshot testing, which we’ll put to use in our first test.

I’ve come to really enjoy writing React tests with react-testing-library — it provides a simple API which encourages you to render and exercise components from the perspective of a user (without delving into the implementation details of components). Also, its helpers subtly push you to ensure your components are accessible, as it’s hard to get a handle on a DOM node to interact with it if the node is not generally accessible in some fashion (correctly labeled with text, etc.).

We’ll start with a simple test of our Loading component. The component just renders some static loading HTML so there’s not really any logic to test; we just want to make sure the HTML renders as expected.

// client/src/components/Loading.test.js
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-testing-library";
import Loading from "./Loading";

describe("Loading", () => {
  it("renders correctly", () => {
    const { container } = render(<Loading />);

When you invoke .toMatchSnapshot(), jest will create a relative file under __snapshots__/Loading.test.js.snap to record the current state. Subsequent test runs will compare the output against the recorded snapshot, and fail the test if the snapshot doesn’t match. The snapshot file looks like this:

// client/src/components/__snapshots__/Loading.test.js.snap
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP

exports[`Loading renders correctly 1`] = `
  class="d-flex justify-content-center"

In this case, the snapshot test is not really all that useful, since the HTML never changes — though it does serve to confirm that the component renders without error. In more advanced cases, snapshot tests can be very useful to ensure that you only change component output when you intend to do so — for example, if you’re refactoring the logic inside your component but expecting the output not to change, a snapshot test will let you know if you’ve made a mistake.

Next, let’s have a look at a test for an Apollo-connected component. This is where things get a bit more complicated; the component expects to have an Apollo client in its context, and we need to mock out the queries to ensure the component correctly handles responses.

// client/src/components/Posts.test.js
import React from "react";
import { render, wait } from "react-testing-library";
import { MockedProvider } from "react-apollo/test-utils";
import { MemoryRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import tk from "timekeeper";
import { Subscriber } from "containers";
import { AuthContext } from "util/context";
import Posts, { GET_POSTS, POSTS_SUBSCRIPTION } from "./Posts";

jest.mock("containers/Subscriber", () =>
  jest.fn().mockImplementation(({ children }) => children),

describe("Posts", () => {
  beforeEach(() => {

  afterEach(() => {

  // ...

We start out with some imports and mocks. The mock is to prevent the Posts component’s subscription from being registered unless we want it to. This was an area where I had a lot of frustration — Apollo has documentation for mocking queries and mutations, but not much by way of mocking subscriptions, and I frequently encountered cryptic, internal errors that were hard to track down. I never was able to figure out how to reliably mock the queries when I just wanted the component to execute its initial query (and not mock it out to receive an update from its subscription).

This does give a good opportunity to discuss mocks in jest though — they’re extremely useful for cases like this. I have a Subscriber component which normally invokes the subscribeToNew prop once it mounts and then returns its children:

// client/src/containers/Subscriber.js
import { useEffect } from "react";

const Subscriber = ({ subscribeToNew, children }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return children;

export default Subscriber;

So in my test, I’m just mocking out the implementation of this component to return the children without invoking subscribeToNew.

Finally, I’m using timekeeper to freeze the time around each test — the Posts component renders some text based on the relation of the post time to the current time (e.g. “two days ago”), so I need to ensure the test always runs at the “same” time, or else the snapshots will regularly fail as time progresses.

// client/src/components/Posts.test.js
// ...

describe("Posts", () => {
  // ...

  it("renders correctly when loading", () => {
    const { container } = render(
        <AuthContext.Provider value={{}}>
          <MockedProvider mocks={[]} addTypename={false}>
            <Posts />

  // ...

Our first test checks the loading state. We have to wrap it in a few HOCs — MemoryRouter which provides a simulated router for any React Router Links and Routes; AuthContext.Provider which provides the authentication state; and MockedProvider from Apollo. Since we’re taking an immediate snapshot and returning, we don’t actually need to mock anything; the immediate snapshot will just capture the loading state before Apollo has had a chance to execute the query.

// client/src/components/Posts.test.js
// ...

describe("Posts", () => {
  // ...

  it("renders correctly when loaded", async () => {
    const mocks = [
        request: {
          query: GET_POSTS,
        result: {
          data: {
            posts: [
                id: 1,
                body: "Thoughts",
                insertedAt: "2019-04-18T00:00:00",
                user: {
                  id: 1,
                  name: "John Smith",
                  gravatarMd5: "abc",
    const { container, getByText } = render(
        <AuthContext.Provider value={{}}>
          <MockedProvider mocks={mocks} addTypename={false}>
            <Posts />
    await wait(() => getByText("Thoughts"));

  // ...

For this test, we want to snapshot the screen once loading has finished and the posts are being displayed. For this, we have to make our test async, and then use react-testing-library’s wait to await the load to finish. wait(() => ...) will simply retry the function until it doesn’t error — which hopefully shouldn’t be more than a fraction of a second. Once the text has appeared, we snapshot the whole component to make sure it’s what we expect.

// client/src/components/Posts.test.js
// ...

describe("Posts", () => {
  // ...

  it("renders correctly after created post", async () => {
    Subscriber.mockImplementation((props) => {
      const { default: ActualSubscriber } = jest.requireActual(
      return <ActualSubscriber {...props} />;

    const mocks = [
        request: {
          query: GET_POSTS,
        result: {
          data: {
            posts: [
                id: 1,
                body: "Thoughts",
                insertedAt: "2019-04-18T00:00:00",
                user: {
                  id: 1,
                  name: "John Smith",
                  gravatarMd5: "abc",
        request: {
          query: POSTS_SUBSCRIPTION,
        result: {
          data: {
            postCreated: {
              id: 2,
              body: "Opinions",
              insertedAt: "2019-04-19T00:00:00",
              user: {
                id: 2,
                name: "Jane Thompson",
                gravatarMd5: "def",
    const { container, getByText } = render(
        <AuthContext.Provider value={{}}>
          <MockedProvider mocks={mocks} addTypename={false}>
            <Posts />
    await wait(() => getByText("Opinions"));

Finally, we’ll test out the subscription, to make sure the component rerenders as expected when it receives a new post. For this case, we need to update the Subscription mock so that it actually returns the original implementation and subscribes the component to updates. We also mock a POSTS_SUBSCRIPTION query to simulate the subscription receiving a new post. Finally, similar to the last test, we wait for the queries to resolve (and the text from the new post to appear) and then snapshot the HTML.

And that’s pretty much it. jest and react-testing-library are very powerful and make it easy to exercise our components. Testing Apollo is a bit of trouble, but with some judicious use of mocking I was able to write a pretty solid test that exercises all of the major component state cases.

Server-side rendering

There’s one more problem with our client application — all of the HTML is rendered on the client side. The HTML returned from the server is just an empty index.html file with a <script> tag to load the JavaScript that actually renders everything. This is fine in development, but not great for production — for example, many search engines are not great at running JavaScript and indexing client-rendered content. What we really want is for the server to return the fully rendered HTML for the page, and then React can take over on the client side to handle subsequent user interactions and routing.

This is where the concept of server-side rendering (or SSR) comes in. Essentially, instead of serving a static HTML index file, we route requests to a Node.js server. The server renders the components (resolving any queries to the GraphQL endpoint) and returns the output HTML, along with the <script> tag to load the JavaScript. When the JavaScript loads on the client, it “hydrates” instead of fully rendering from scratch — meaning that it keeps the existing HTML provided by the server and connects it to the matching React tree. This approach allows search engines to easily index the server-rendered HTML, and also provides a faster experience for users since they don’t have to wait for the JavaScript to download, execute, and run queries before the page content is visible.

Unfortunately, I found configuring SSR to be something of a wild west — the fundamentals are the same (run a Node.js server that renders components) but there are a number of different implementations and nothing that’s very well standardized. I lifted most of my application’s configuration from cra-ssr, which provides a pretty comprehensive implementation of SSR for apps bootstrapped with create-react-app. I won’t delve too deep here, as cra-ssr’s tutorial provides a solid introduction. Suffice it to say that SSR is awesome and makes the app feel extremely fast to load, but getting it working is still a bit of a struggle.

Conclusion and takeaways

Thanks for staying with me! There’s a lot of content here, but I wanted to really dive deep on a reasonably complex application, to thoroughly exercise the technology stack and work out the kinks that arise with real-world use cases. If you’ve read this far, hopefully you have a pretty good understanding of how all the pieces fit together. You can look through the full codebase on GitHub, or try out the live demo. (The live demo is running on a free-tier Heroku dyno, so it might take 30 seconds or so to wake up when you visit it.) If you have questions, feel free to leave them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer.

My development experience was not free from frustration and trouble. Some of it is to be expected as the learning curve for a new framework or library — but I think there are some areas where better documentation or tooling would have saved me a lot of time and heartache. With Apollo in particular, I had a ton of trouble figuring out how to get the websocket to reinitialize its connection when the authentication state changes; this feels like a fairly common case that should be documented somewhere, but I just could not find anything. Similarly, I had a lot of trouble around testing subscriptions, and ultimately gave up and used a mock. The documentation around testing was great for the “happy path” of basic tests, but I found it to be shallow once I started working through more advanced use cases. I was also confounded at times by the lack of basic API documentation, which falls partially on Apollo and partially on Absinthe’s client-side library. When researching how to reset the websocket connection, I couldn’t find any API documentation for Absinthe socket instances or Apollo link instances, for example; I basically just had to read through all the source code on GitHub. My experience with Apollo was much better than my experience with Relay a few years back — but next time I use it, I’ll still be bracing myself a bit for the fact that I’ll need to spend some time hacking through jungle if I have to depart from the beaten path.

With all that said, on the whole I give this stack very high marks, and I really enjoyed working on this project. Elixir and Phoenix are refreshing to use; there’s a learning curve coming from Rails, but I really like some of Elixir’s language features such as pattern matching and the pipe operator. Elixir has a lot of fresh ideas (and many battle-tested concepts from functional programming) that make it easy to write expressive, beautiful code. Absinthe was a breeze to use; it’s very well implemented with sound documentation and it covers all of the reasonable use cases around implementing a GraphQL server. And on the whole, I found that GraphQL delivered on its fundamental promises. It was easy to query the data I needed for each page, and also easy to wire up live updates via subscriptions. I’ve always enjoyed working with React and React Router, and this time was no different — they make it easy to build complex, reactive user interfaces for the frontend. Finally, I am very satisfied with the overall result — as a user, my application is blazing fast to load and navigate, and everything live updates so I’m never out of sync. If the ultimate measure of a technology stack is the user experience that results, I’d say this combination is a smashing success.