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/// - Remark: not protocol ∵ Box<T> {    func inspect() -> Sealant<T> { fatalError() }    func inspect(_: (Sealant<T>) -> Void) { fatalError() }    func seal(_: T) {}}final class SealedBox<T>: Box<T> {    let value: T
    init(value: T) {        self.value = value    }    override func inspect() -> Sealant<T> {        return .resolved(value)    }}


class EmptyBox<T>: Box<T> {    private var sealant = Sealant<T>.pending(.init())    private let barrier = DispatchQueue(label: "org.promisekit.barrier", attributes: .concurrent)
    override func seal(_ value: T) {        var handlers: Handlers<T>!        barrier.sync(flags: .barrier) {            guard case .pending(let _handlers) = self.sealant else {                return  // already fulfilled!            }            handlers = _handlers            self.sealant = .resolved(value)        }
        //FIXME we are resolved so should `pipe(to:)` be called at this instant, “thens are called in order” would be invalid        //NOTE we don’t do this in the above `sync` because that could potentially deadlock        //THOUGH since `then` etc. typically invoke after a run-loop cycle, this issue is somewhat less severe
        if let handlers = handlers {            handlers.bodies.forEach{ $0(value) }        }
        //TODO solution is an unfortunate third state “sealed” where then's get added        // to a separate handler pool for that state        // any other solution has potential races    }
    override func inspect() -> Sealant<T> {        var rv: Sealant<T>!        barrier.sync {            rv = self.sealant        }        return rv    }
    override func inspect(_ body: (Sealant<T>) -> Void) {        var sealed = false        barrier.sync(flags: .barrier) {            switch sealant {            case .pending:                // body will append to handlers, so we must stay barrier’d                body(sealant)            case .resolved:                sealed = true            }        }        if sealed {            // we do this outside the barrier to prevent potential deadlocks            // it's safe because we never transition away from this state            body(sealant)        }    }}






override func seal(_ value: T) 的目的很简单就是将数据封装给已有的handler具体的怎么使用后续我们会举例

override func inspect() -> Sealant<T>和
override func inspect(_ body: (Sealant<T>) -> Void)


public enum Result<T> {    case fulfilled(T)    case rejected(Error)}

public final class Promise<T>: Thenable, CatchMixin {    let box: Box<Result<T>>
    fileprivate init(box: SealedBox<Result<T>>) { = box    }
    /**      Initialize a new fulfilled promise.
      We do not provide `init(value:)` because Swift is “greedy”      and would pick that initializer in cases where it should pick      one of the other more specific options leading to Promises with      `T` that is eg: `Error` or worse `(T->Void,Error->Void)` for      uses of our PMK < 4 pending initializer due to Swift trailing      closure syntax (nothing good comes without pain!).
      Though often easy to detect, sometimes these issues would be      hidden by other type inference leading to some nasty bugs in      production.
      In PMK5 we tried to work around this by making the pending      initializer take the form `Promise(.pending)` but this led to      bad migration errors for PMK4 users. Hence instead we quickly      released PMK6 and now only provide this initializer for making      sealed & fulfilled promises.
      Usage is still (usually) good:
          guard foo else {              return .value(bar)          }     */    public class func value(_ value: T) -> Promise<T> {        return Promise(box: SealedBox(value: .fulfilled(value)))    }
    /// Initialize a new rejected promise.    public init(error: Error) {        box = SealedBox(value: .rejected(error))    }
    /// Initialize a new promise bound to the provided `Thenable`.    public init<U: Thenable>(_ bridge: U) where U.T == T {        box = EmptyBox()        bridge.pipe(to: box.seal)    }
    /// Initialize a new promise that can be resolved with the provided `Resolver`.    public init(resolver body: (Resolver<T>) throws -> Void) {        box = EmptyBox()        let resolver = Resolver(box)        do {            try body(resolver)        } catch {            resolver.reject(error)        }    }
    /// - Returns: a tuple of a new pending promise and its `Resolver`.    public class func pending() -> (promise: Promise<T>, resolver: Resolver<T>) {        return { ($0, Resolver($ }(Promise<T>(.pending))    }
    /// - See: `Thenable.pipe`    public func pipe(to: @escaping(Result<T>) -> Void) {        switch box.inspect() {        case .pending:            box.inspect {                switch $0 {                case .pending(let handlers):                    handlers.append(to)                case .resolved(let value):                    to(value)                }            }        case .resolved(let value):            to(value)        }    }
    /// - See: `Thenable.result`    public var result: Result<T>? {        switch box.inspect() {        case .pending:            return nil        case .resolved(let result):            return result        }    }
    init(_: PMKUnambiguousInitializer) {        box = EmptyBox()    }}


let box: Box<Result<T>>Box存储的是一个enum的数据(包含正常和error。整体的数定义十分的简单就是一些初始化。而关键的位置在于

public func pipe(to: @escaping(Result<T>) -> Void) 公有两个作用 1 将正常的数据通过闭包传递出去共外部使用 2 自身混沌的数据再次装箱给handler以便后续对数据处理


    func then<U: Thenable>(on: DispatchQueue? =, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags? = nil, _ body: @escaping(T) throws -> U) -> Promise<U.T> {        let rp = Promise<U.T>(.pending)        pipe {            switch $0 {            case .fulfilled(let value):                on.async(flags: flags) {                    do {                        let rv = try body(value)                        guard rv !== rp else { throw PMKError.returnedSelf }                        rv.pipe(to:                    } catch {                                  }                }            case .rejected(let error):                  }        }        return rp    }



    firstly {               URLSession.shared.dataTask(.promise, with: url1)           }.then { response in               transform(data:           }.done { transformation in               //…           }


    后续我们会慢慢分析其余的简便功能:race after when等便捷功能