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public interface ConsistencyService {

     * Put a data related to a key to Nacos cluster
     * @param key   key of data, this key should be globally unique
     * @param value value of data
     * @throws NacosException
     * @see
    void put(String key, Record value) throws NacosException;

     * Remove a data from Nacos cluster
     * @param key key of data
     * @throws NacosException
    void remove(String key) throws NacosException;

     * Get a data from Nacos cluster
     * @param key key of data
     * @return data related to the key
     * @throws NacosException
    Datum get(String key) throws NacosException;

     * Listen for changes of a data
     * @param key      key of data
     * @param listener callback of data change
     * @throws NacosException
    void listen(String key, RecordListener listener) throws NacosException;

     * Cancel listening of a data
     * @param key      key of data
     * @param listener callback of data change
     * @throws NacosException
    void unlisten(String key, RecordListener listener) throws NacosException;

     * Tell the status of this consistency service
     * @return true if available
    boolean isAvailable();
  • ConsistencyService定义了put、remove、get、listen、unlisten、isAvailable方法



public class DelegateConsistencyServiceImpl implements ConsistencyService {

    private PersistentConsistencyService persistentConsistencyService;

    private EphemeralConsistencyService ephemeralConsistencyService;

    public void put(String key, Record value) throws NacosException {
        mapConsistencyService(key).put(key, value);

    public void remove(String key) throws NacosException {

    public Datum get(String key) throws NacosException {
        return mapConsistencyService(key).get(key);

    public void listen(String key, RecordListener listener) throws NacosException {

        // this special key is listened by both:
        if (KeyBuilder.SERVICE_META_KEY_PREFIX.equals(key)) {
            persistentConsistencyService.listen(key, listener);
            ephemeralConsistencyService.listen(key, listener);

        mapConsistencyService(key).listen(key, listener);

    public void unlisten(String key, RecordListener listener) throws NacosException {
        mapConsistencyService(key).unlisten(key, listener);

    public boolean isAvailable() {
        return ephemeralConsistencyService.isAvailable() && persistentConsistencyService.isAvailable();

    private ConsistencyService mapConsistencyService(String key) {
        return KeyBuilder.matchEphemeralKey(key) ? ephemeralConsistencyService : persistentConsistencyService;
  • DelegateConsistencyServiceImpl实现了ConsistencyService接口;其put、remove、get、listen、unlisten方法内部都使用了mapConsistencyService来判断是使用ephemeralConsistencyService还persistentConsistencyService;其isAvailable方法要求ephemeralConsistencyService及persistentConsistencyService都是available


