Android Glide 工具类

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方法 注释
with with
init 初始化方法
cloneImageOptions 克隆图片加载配置
defaultOptions 获取默认加载配置
emptyOptions 获取空白加载配置
skipCacheOptions 获取跳过缓存 ( 每次都从服务端获取最新 ) 加载配置
getLoadResOptions 获取自定义图片加载配置
transformationOptions 获取图片处理效果加载配置
clearDiskCache 清除磁盘缓存
clearMemoryCache 清除内存缓存
onLowMemory 低内存通知
getDiskCache 获取 SDCard 缓存空间
preload 预加载图片
displayImage 图片显示
displayImageToGif 图片显示
loadImageBitmap 图片加载
loadImageDrawable 图片加载
loadImageFile 图片加载
loadImageGif 图片加载
cancelDisplayTask 取消图片显示任务
destroy 销毁操作
pause 暂停图片加载
resume 恢复图片加载
stop 停止图片加载
start 开始图片加载
package dev.other;

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageView;

import com.bumptech.glide.Glide;
import com.bumptech.glide.Priority;
import com.bumptech.glide.RequestManager;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.Transformation;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DiskCacheStrategy;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.gif.GifDrawable;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.RequestOptions;


import dev.utils.LogPrintUtils;

 * detail: Glide 工具类
 * @author Ttt
 * <pre>
 *     init: GlideUtils.init(getApplicationContext());
 *     use modify: 修改 defaultOptions() 配置、以及加载默认图片资源
 *     <p></p>
 *     Glide 详细使用
 *     @see <a href=""/>
 *     Glide 文档
 *     @see <a href=""/>
 * </pre>
public final class GlideUtils {

    private GlideUtils() {

    // 日志 TAG
    private static final String TAG = GlideUtils.class.getSimpleName();
    // GlideLoader
    private static GlideLoader sGlideLoader;
    // 图片默认加载配置
    private static RequestOptions DF_OPTIONS = defaultOptions();
    // 全局 Context
    private static Context sContext;
    // 图片加载中
    private static int sImageLoadingRes = 0;
    // 图片地址异常
    private static int sImageUriErrorRes = 0;
    // 图片 ( 加载 / 解码 ) 失败
    private static int sImageFailRes = 0;

    // ================================
    // =  GlideLoader(RequestManager) =
    // ================================

    public static GlideLoader with(@NonNull Context context) {
        return new GlideLoader(Glide.with(context));

    public static GlideLoader with(@NonNull Activity activity) {
        return new GlideLoader(Glide.with(activity));

    public static GlideLoader with(@NonNull FragmentActivity activity) {
        return new GlideLoader(Glide.with(activity));

    public static GlideLoader with(@NonNull fragment) {
        return new GlideLoader(Glide.with(fragment));

    public static GlideLoader with(@NonNull Fragment fragment) {
        return new GlideLoader(Glide.with(fragment));

    public static GlideLoader with(@NonNull View view) {
        return new GlideLoader(Glide.with(view));

     * 获取全局 Context Glide
     * @return {@link GlideLoader}
    public static GlideLoader with() {
        if (sGlideLoader == null) {
            try {
                sGlideLoader = new GlideLoader(Glide.with(sContext));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "with");
        return sGlideLoader;

    // ==========
    // = 初始化 =
    // ==========

     * 初始化方法
     * @param context {@link Context}
    public static void init(final Context context) {
        if (sContext == null && context != null) {
            // 设置全局 Context
            sContext = context.getApplicationContext();
            // 默认进行初始化

    // ==================
    // = RequestOptions =
    // ==================

     * 克隆图片加载配置
     * @param options 待克隆加载配置
     * @return {@link RequestOptions}
    public static RequestOptions cloneImageOptions(final RequestOptions options) {
        return (options != null) ? options.clone() : null;

     * 获取默认加载配置
     * <pre>
     *     优先级:
     *     Priority.LOW 低
     *     Priority.NORMAL 默认正常
     *     Priority.HIGH 高 / 优先
     *     Priority.IMMEDIATE 立即加载
     *     缓存:
     *     DiskCacheStrategy.NONE 不做磁盘缓存
     *     DiskCacheStrategy.SOURCE 只缓存图像原图
     *     DiskCacheStrategy.RESULT 只缓存加载后的图像, 即处理后最终显示时的图像
     *     DiskCacheStrategy.ALL 缓存所有版本的图像 ( 默认行为 )
     * </pre>
     * @return {@link RequestOptions}
    public static RequestOptions defaultOptions() {
        RequestOptions requestOptions = new RequestOptions()
                .diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.ALL) // 设置全缓存
                .placeholder(sImageLoadingRes) // 设置图片在下载期间显示的图片
                .fallback(sImageUriErrorRes) // 设置图片 Uri 为空或是错误的时候显示的图片
                .error(sImageFailRes) // 设置图片 ( 加载 / 解码 ) 过程中错误时候显示的图片
//                .format(DecodeFormat.PREFER_ARGB_8888) // 设置图片解码格式, 默认 8888
        return requestOptions;

     * 获取空白加载配置
     * @return {@link RequestOptions}
    public static RequestOptions emptyOptions() {
        return new RequestOptions();

     * 获取跳过缓存 ( 每次都从服务端获取最新 ) 加载配置
     * @return {@link RequestOptions}
    public static RequestOptions skipCacheOptions() {
        return skipCacheOptions(cloneImageOptions(DF_OPTIONS));

     * 获取跳过缓存 ( 每次都从服务端获取最新 ) 加载配置
     * @param options {@link RequestOptions}
     * @return {@link RequestOptions}
    public static RequestOptions skipCacheOptions(final RequestOptions options) {
        if (options != null) {
            return options.diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.NONE).skipMemoryCache(true);
        return options;

     * 获取自定义图片加载配置
     * @param loadingRes 设置加载中显示的图片
     * @return {@link RequestOptions}
    public static RequestOptions getLoadResOptions(@DrawableRes final int loadingRes) {
        return getLoadResOptions(cloneImageOptions(DF_OPTIONS), loadingRes);

     * 获取自定义图片加载配置
     * @param options    {@link RequestOptions}
     * @param loadingRes 设置加载中显示的图片
     * @return {@link RequestOptions}
    public static RequestOptions getLoadResOptions(final RequestOptions options, @DrawableRes final int loadingRes) {
        if (options != null && loadingRes != 0) {
            options.placeholder(loadingRes) // 设置图片在下载期间显示的图片
                    .fallback(loadingRes) // 设置图片 Uri 为空或是错误的时候显示的图片
                    .error(loadingRes); // 设置图片 ( 加载 / 解码 ) 过程中错误时候显示的图片
        return options;

     * 获取图片处理效果加载配置
     * @param transformation {@link Transformation} 图形效果
     * @return {@link RequestOptions}
    public static RequestOptions transformationOptions(final Transformation transformation) {
        return transformationOptions(cloneImageOptions(DF_OPTIONS), transformation);

     * 获取图片处理效果加载配置
     * @param options        {@link RequestOptions}
     * @param transformation {@link Transformation} 图形效果
     * @return {@link RequestOptions}
    public static RequestOptions transformationOptions(final RequestOptions options, final Transformation transformation) {
        if (options != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "transformationOptions");
        return options;

    // ==============
    // = 内部方法类 =
    // ==============

     * detail: Glide Loader 封装内部类
     * @author Ttt
    public final static class GlideLoader {

        // RequestManager
        private RequestManager mRequestManager;

         * 构造函数
         * @param requestManager {@link RequestManager}
        public GlideLoader(RequestManager requestManager) {
            this.mRequestManager = requestManager;
            // 设置加载配置
            if (requestManager != null) requestManager.setDefaultRequestOptions(DF_OPTIONS);

        // ==============
        // = 预加载处理 =
        // ==============

         * 预加载图片
         * @param uri Image Uri
        public void preload(final String uri) {
            preload(uri, null);

         * 预加载图片
         * <pre>
         *     先加载图片, 不显示, 等到需要显示的时候, 直接拿缓存用
         * </pre>
         * @param uri     Image Uri
         * @param options {@link RequestOptions}
        public void preload(final String uri, final RequestOptions options) {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {
                if (options != null) {
                } else {

        // ============
        // = 图片显示 =
        // ============

         * 图片显示
         * @param uri       Image Uri
         * @param imageView ImageView
        public void displayImage(final String uri, final ImageView imageView) {
            displayImage(uri, imageView, null);

         * 图片显示
         * <pre>
         *     支持显示 Gif 图片第一帧
         * </pre>
         * @param uri       Image Uri
         * @param imageView ImageView
         * @param options   {@link RequestOptions}
        public void displayImage(final String uri, final ImageView imageView, final RequestOptions options) {
            if (mRequestManager != null && imageView != null) {
                if (options != null) {
                } else {

        // =

         * 图片显示
         * @param uri       Image Uri
         * @param imageView ImageView
        public void displayImageToGif(final String uri, final ImageView imageView) {
            displayImageToGif(uri, imageView, null);

         * 图片显示
         * @param uri       Image Uri
         * @param imageView ImageView
         * @param options   {@link RequestOptions}
        public void displayImageToGif(final String uri, final ImageView imageView, final RequestOptions options) {
            if (mRequestManager != null && imageView != null) {
                if (options != null) {
                } else {

        // ============
        // = 图片加载 =
        // ============

         * 图片加载
         * @param uri    Image Uri
         * @param target {@link Target}
        public void loadImageBitmap(final String uri, final Target<Bitmap> target) {
            loadImageBitmap(uri, target, null);

         * 图片加载
         * @param uri     Image Uri
         * @param target  {@link Target}
         * @param options {@link RequestOptions}
        public void loadImageBitmap(final String uri, final Target<Bitmap> target, final RequestOptions options) {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {
                if (options != null) {
                } else {

        // =

         * 图片加载
         * @param uri    Image Uri
         * @param target {@link Target}
        public void loadImageDrawable(final String uri, final Target<Drawable> target) {
            loadImageDrawable(uri, target, null);

         * 图片加载
         * @param uri     Image Uri
         * @param target  {@link Target}
         * @param options {@link RequestOptions}
        public void loadImageDrawable(final String uri, final Target<Drawable> target, final RequestOptions options) {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {
                if (options != null) {
                } else {

        // =

         * 图片加载
         * @param uri    Image Uri
         * @param target {@link Target}
        public void loadImageFile(final String uri, final Target<File> target) {
            loadImageFile(uri, target, null);

         * 图片加载
         * @param uri     Image Uri
         * @param target  {@link Target}
         * @param options {@link RequestOptions}
        public void loadImageFile(final String uri, final Target<File> target, final RequestOptions options) {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {
                if (options != null) {
                } else {

         * 图片加载
         * @param uri    Image Uri
         * @param target {@link Target}
        public void loadImageGif(final String uri, final Target<GifDrawable> target) {
            loadImageGif(uri, target, null);

         * 图片加载
         * @param uri     Image Uri
         * @param target  {@link Target}
         * @param options {@link RequestOptions}
        public void loadImageGif(final String uri, final Target<GifDrawable> target, final RequestOptions options) {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {
                if (options != null) {
                } else {

        // ============
        // = 其他操作 =
        // ============

         * 取消图片显示任务
         * @param view {@link View}
        public void cancelDisplayTask(final View view) {
            if (mRequestManager != null && view != null) {

         * 取消图片显示任务
         * @param target {@link Target}
        public void cancelDisplayTask(final Target target) {
            if (mRequestManager != null && target != null) {

        // =

         * 销毁操作
        public void destroy() {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {

         * 暂停图片加载
        public void pause() {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {

         * 恢复图片加载
        public void resume() {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {

         * 停止图片加载
        public void stop() {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {

         * 开始图片加载
        public void start() {
            if (mRequestManager != null) {

    // ============
    // = 其他操作 =
    // ============

     * 清除磁盘缓存
    public static void clearDiskCache() {
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    // This method must be called on a background thread.
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "clearDiskCache");

     * 清除内存缓存
    public static void clearMemoryCache() {
        try {
            // This method must be called on the main thread.
            Glide.get(sContext).clearMemory(); // 必须在主线程上调用该方法
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "clearMemoryCache");

     * 低内存通知
    public static void onLowMemory() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "onLowMemory");

     * 获取 SDCard 缓存空间
     * @return SDCard 缓存空间 File
    public static File getDiskCache() {
        try {
            return Glide.getPhotoCacheDir(sContext);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "getDiskCache");
        return null;