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因为图可能存在loop结构(上图红色箭头),所以在使用CTE递归的过程中,必须要破环(break loop),否则算法就会进入无限递归,永不结束。



-- 每一条有向关系边都存在上游,下游两个节点
drop table if exists demo.t_rel;
create table if not exists demo.t_rel(up int , down int);

-- 唯一约束,避免插入相同的关系
alter table demo.t_rel add constraint udx_t_rel unique (up, down);

insert into demo.t_rel values(6,5),(3,7),(5,1),(1,2),(5,2),(5,7),(7,2),(2,4),(7,4);

-- 构造一条环数据,7-2-4-7
delete from demo.t_rel where up=4 and down=7;
insert into demo.t_rel values(4,7);




  • 使用数组保存当前的路径信息。
  • 计算下一个节点之前,判断该节点是否已经存在于路径上。如果是,就说明该点是环的起点,必须排除这个节点来达到破环的效果。
  • 起始节点和最大深度,都是可选的。如果忽略这两个条件,就会返回完整的图信息。
with recursive 
downstream as
	select 1 as lvl, r.up, r.down, 
			-- 保存当前路径
			array[]::int[] || r.up || r.down as trace 
		from demo.t_rel r     
	where r.up = 7 -- 指定起点
	union all
	select ds.lvl +1, r.up, r.down, ds.trace || r.down
		from demo.t_rel r , downstream ds 
	where r.up = ds.down
		-- 破环
		and not r.down = any(ds.trace)
		and ds.lvl < 20 -- 最大深度
select * from downstream ds;


-- 可以看到并没有包括7-2-4-7这条环。
 lvl | up | down |  trace
   1 |  7 |    2 | {7,2}
   1 |  7 |    4 | {7,4}
   2 |  2 |    4 | {7,2,4}
(3 rows)




drop function if exists f_get_rel;

@start_node 起始节点。
@direct_flag 查询方向,-1:查找上级;1:查找下级; 0:查找上下级;
@max_depth 递归深度,即查找最多几级关系。
create or replace function f_get_rel(start_node int, direct_flag int=1, max_depth int=20) 
	returns table (direct int, cur_depth int, up_node int, down_node int, trace int[])
as ?

	return query 
		with recursive 
		downstream as
			select 1 as lvl, r.up, r.down, array[]::int[] || r.up || r.down as trace 
				from demo.t_rel r 
			where r.up = start_node
				and direct_flag in (0, 1)
			union all
			select ds.lvl +1, r.up, r.down, ds.trace || r.down
				from demo.t_rel r , downstream ds 
			where r.up = ds.down
				and not r.down = any(ds.trace)
				and ds.lvl < max_depth
		upstream as
			select 1 as lvl, r.up, r.down, array[]::int[] || r.up || r.down as trace 
				from demo.t_rel r 
			where r.down = start_node
				and direct_flag in (0, -1)
			union all
			select us.lvl +1, r.up, r.down, r.up || us.trace 
				from demo.t_rel r , upstream us 
			where r.down = us.up
				and not r.up = any(us.trace)
				and us.lvl < max_depth
		select -1, us.* from upstream us 
			union all 
		select 1, ds.* from downstream ds
		order by 1 desc, lvl, up, down

? language plpgsql strict;


dap=# select * from demo.f_get_rel(7,0,3);
 direct | cur_depth | up_node | down_node |   trace
      1 |         1 |       7 |         2 | {7,2}
      1 |         1 |       7 |         4 | {7,4}
      1 |         2 |       2 |         4 | {7,2,4}
     -1 |         1 |       3 |         7 | {3,7}
     -1 |         1 |       4 |         7 | {4,7}
     -1 |         1 |       5 |         7 | {5,7}
     -1 |         2 |       2 |         4 | {2,4,7}
     -1 |         2 |       6 |         5 | {6,5,7}
     -1 |         3 |       1 |         2 | {1,2,4,7}
     -1 |         3 |       5 |         2 | {5,2,4,7}
(10 rows)



在没有集成图形界面之前,使用ECharts的示例代码(地址),可以直观的查看关系图谱。对官方样表进行微调之后,代码如下 注意 代码中的 data 和 links 部分需要进行替换

option = {
    title: {
        text: '数据图谱'
    tooltip: {},
    animationDurationUpdate: 1500,
    animationEasingUpdate: 'quinticInOut',
    series : [
            type: 'graph',
            layout: 'force',
            force: {
                    repulsion: 1000
            focusNodeAdjacency: true,
            symbolSize: 30,
            roam: true,
            label: {
                normal: {
                    show: true
            edgeSymbol: ['circle', 'arrow'],
            edgeSymbolSize: [4, 10],
            edgeLabel: {
                normal: {
                    textStyle: {
                        fontSize: 20
            data: [
                { name:"2", draggable: true, symbolSize:20},
            links: [
                { source:"2", target:"4"},



构造 data 部分

-- 根据节点的关联点数量,设置图形大小
with rel as (select * from f_get_rel(7,0,2)),
	up_nodes as (select up_node, count(distinct down_node) as out_cnt from rel group by up_node),
	down_nodes as (select down_node, count(distinct up_node) as in_cnt from rel group by down_node),
	node_cnt as ( select up_node as node, out_cnt as cnt from up_nodes union all select * from down_nodes )
select '{ name:"' || n.node || '", draggable: true, symbolSize:' || sum(n.cnt) * 10 || '},'  as node
	from node_cnt n
group by n.node
order by 1;

构造 links 部分

select distinct r.up_node, r.down_node, '{ source:"'|| r.up_node ||'", target:"'|| r.down_node ||'"},' as links 
	from f_get_rel(7,0,3) r
order by r.up_node	;



  • 查询节点7的所有2度关联节点信息,结果显示如下

  • 查询节点7的所有关联节点信息(不限层级数),结果显示如下