[译]Java8官方GC调优指南 --(零) 目录

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本套文章是Java8官方GC调优指南的全文翻译,点击查看原文,原文章名称《Java Platform, Standard Edition HotSpot Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning Guide》











1 Introduction 引子

2 Ergonomics 工效学

2.1 Garbage Collector, Heap, and Runtime Compiler Default Selections

2.2 Behavior-Based Tuning

2.2.1 Maximum Pause Time Goal

2.2.2 Throughput Goal

2.2.3 Footprint Goal

2.3 Tuning Strategy

3 Generations 分代

3.1 Performance Considerations

3.2 Measurement

4 Sizing the Generations 设置分代大小

4.1 Total Heap

4.2 The Young Generation

4.2.1 Survivor Space Sizing

5 Available Collectors 可用的收集器

5.1 Selecting a Collector

6 The Parallel Collector 平行收集器

6.1 Generations

6.2 Parallel Collector Ergonomics

6.2.1 Priority of Goals

6.2.2 Generation Size Adjustments

6.2.3 Default Heap Size Client JVM Default Initial and Maximum Heap Sizes Server JVM Default Initial and Maximum Heap Sizes Specifying Initial and Maximum Heap Sizes

6.3 Excessive GC Time and OutOfMemoryError

6.4 Measurements

7 The Mostly Concurrent Collectors 并发收集器

7.1 Overhead of Concurrency

7.2 Additional References

8 Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Collector CMS收集器

8.1 Concurrent Mode Failure

8.2 Excessive GC Time and OutOfMemoryError

8.3 Floating Garbage

8.4 Pauses

8.5 Concurrent Phases

8.6 Starting a Concurrent Collection Cycle

8.7 Scheduling Pauses

8.8 Incremental Mode

8.8.1 Command-Line Options

8.8.2 Recommended Options

8.8.3 Basic Troubleshooting

8.9 Measurements

9 Garbage-First Garbage Collector

9.1 Allocation (Evacuation) Failure

9.2 Floating Garbage

9.3 Pauses

9.4 Card Tables and Concurrent Phases

9.5 Starting a Concurrent Collection Cycle

9.6 Pause Time Goal

10 Garbage-First Garbage Collector Tuning

10.1 Garbage Collection Phases

10.2 Young Garbage Collections

10.3 Mixed Garbage Collections

10.4 Phases of the Marking Cycle

10.5 Important Defaults

10.6 How to Unlock Experimental VM Flags

10.7 Recommendations

10.8 Overflow and Exhausted Log Messages

10.9 Humongous Objects and Humongous Allocations

11 Other Considerations

11.1 Finalization and Weak, Soft, and Phantom References

11.2 Explicit Garbage Collection

11.3 Soft References

11.4 Class Metadata