Flutter 动态化热更新的思考与实践(二)----Dart 代码转换AST

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Flutter 动态化热更新的思考与实践(二)----Dart 代码转换AST

Flutter 动态化热更新的思考与实践(三)---- 解析AST之Runtime

Flutter 动态化热更新的思考与实践(四)---- 解析AST之Widget

Flutter 动态化热更新的思考与实践(五)---- 调用AST动态化的代码


1. AST 简介

上一篇文章里也提到了AST,但是没有过多的来解释,那么在本篇文章里先对这个名词做个简单的科普(已经了解的小伙伴可以略过^ ^)。

AST的全称是Abstract Syntax Tree,中文名称叫抽象语法树,是将我们的源代码中的语法以树状结构表现出来。AST不依赖于编程语言,任何编程语言都可以转换为AST结构,关于AST深入的部分在这里就不做展开了,比如AST生成的逻辑步骤等(我本人也还没有了解这部分,涉及到了编译原理的知识,脑壳疼 = =)。想直观了解AST是什么东西的话,Javascript是最合适的语言,有一个在线转换Javascript 到AST的工具AST Explorer, 感兴趣的小伙伴可以自行实验,我贴出一个最简单的例子,比如将这句代码var c = a + 10转换成AST的话,将是下面的样子:




  • VariableDeclarator一般定义为声明的变量
  • BinaryExpression一般定义为运算表达式
  • Identifier一般定义为标识符名称,这个标识符包括变量名、方法名、类名等诸如此类。
  • NumericLiteral一般定义为数值,包括整型、浮点型等


2. Dart官方工具 analyzer

对AST有了一些了解和认知后,接下来就要思考,如何将Dart代码转换为AST。好在Dart官方很贴心的提供了一个工具包analyzer,通过这个工具包提供的方法,我们可以将一份Dart源代码生成AST对象。当然,这个工具包除了可以生成AST对象外,还可以做一些代码分析,找出一些语法错误或潜在风险警告等。在官方文档里有介绍,比如代码格式化工具dartfmt、代码文档生成工具dartdoc、代码语法预分析服务Dart Analysis Server等都使用了此工具包。

3. 使用 analyzer


/// Return the result of parsing the file at the given [path].
/// If a [resourceProvider] is given, it will be used to access the file system.
/// [featureSet] determines what set of features will be assumed by the parser.
/// This parameter is required because the analyzer does not yet have a
/// performant way of computing the correct feature set for a single file to be
/// parsed.  Callers that need the feature set to be strictly correct must
/// create an [AnalysisContextCollection], query it to get an [AnalysisContext],
/// query it to get an [AnalysisSession], and then call `getParsedUnit`.
/// Callers that don't need the feature set to be strictly correct can pass in
/// `FeatureSet.fromEnableFlags([])` to enable the default set of features; this
/// is much more performant than using an analysis session, because it doesn't
/// require the analyzer to process the SDK.
/// If [throwIfDiagnostics] is `true` (the default), then if any diagnostics are
/// produced because of syntactic errors in the [content] an `ArgumentError`
/// will be thrown. If the parameter is `false`, then the caller can check the
/// result to see whether there are any errors.
ParseStringResult parseFile(
    {@required String path,
    ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
    @required FeatureSet featureSet,
    bool throwIfDiagnostics = true}){


/// The result of parsing of a single file. The errors returned include only
/// those discovered during scanning and parsing.
/// Similar to [ParsedUnitResult], but does not allow access to an analysis
/// session.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class ParseStringResult {
  /// The content of the file that was scanned and parsed.
  String get content;

  /// The analysis errors that were computed during analysis.
  List<AnalysisError> get errors;

  /// Information about lines in the content.
  LineInfo get lineInfo;

  /// The parsed, unresolved compilation unit for the [content].
  CompilationUnit get unit;


/// A compilation unit.
/// While the grammar restricts the order of the directives and declarations
/// within a compilation unit, this class does not enforce those restrictions.
/// In particular, the children of a compilation unit will be visited in lexical
/// order even if lexical order does not conform to the restrictions of the
/// grammar.
///    compilationUnit ::=
///        directives declarations
///    directives ::=
///        [ScriptTag]? [LibraryDirective]? namespaceDirective* [PartDirective]*
///      | [PartOfDirective]
///    namespaceDirective ::=
///        [ImportDirective]
///      | [ExportDirective]
///    declarations ::=
///        [CompilationUnitMember]*
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.
abstract class CompilationUnit implements AstNode {
  /// Set the first token included in this node's source range to the given
  /// [token].
  set beginToken(Token token);

  /// Return the declarations contained in this compilation unit.
  NodeList<CompilationUnitMember> get declarations;

  /// Return the element associated with this compilation unit, or `null` if the
  /// AST structure has not been resolved.
  CompilationUnitElement get declaredElement;

  /// Return the directives contained in this compilation unit.
  NodeList<Directive> get directives;

  /// Set the element associated with this compilation unit to the given
  /// [element].
  set element(CompilationUnitElement element);

  /// Set the last token included in this node's source range to the given
  /// [token].
  set endToken(Token token);

  /// The set of features available to this compilation unit, or `null` if
  /// unknown.
  /// Determined by some combination of the .packages file, the enclosing
  /// package's SDK version constraint, and/or the presence of a `@dart`
  /// directive in a comment at the top of the file.
  /// Might be `null` if, for example, this [CompilationUnit] has been
  /// resynthesized from a summary.
  FeatureSet get featureSet;

  /// Return the line information for this compilation unit.
  LineInfo get lineInfo;

  /// Set the line information for this compilation unit to the given [info].
  set lineInfo(LineInfo info);

  /// Return the script tag at the beginning of the compilation unit, or `null`
  /// if there is no script tag in this compilation unit.
  ScriptTag get scriptTag;

  /// Set the script tag at the beginning of the compilation unit to the given
  /// [scriptTag].
  set scriptTag(ScriptTag scriptTag);

  /// Return a list containing all of the directives and declarations in this
  /// compilation unit, sorted in lexical order.
  List<AstNode> get sortedDirectivesAndDeclarations;

(说实话这个类的注释看着着实有些费解,编译原理的知识小白,脑壳疼= =)


/// An object that can be used to visit an AST structure.
/// Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class. There are classes
/// that implement this interface that provide useful default behaviors in
/// `package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart`. A couple of the most useful
/// include
/// * SimpleAstVisitor which implements every visit method by doing nothing,
/// * RecursiveAstVisitor which will cause every node in a structure to be
///   visited, and
/// * ThrowingAstVisitor which implements every visit method by throwing an
///   exception.
abstract class AstVisitor<R> {


  • SimpleAstVisitor
  • GeneralizingAstVisitor
  • UnifyingAstVisitor
  • RecursiveAstVisitor
  • ThrowingAstVisitor
  • ...



class MyAstVisitor extends SimpleAstVisitor<Map> {
  /// 遍历节点
  Map _safelyVisitNode(AstNode node) {
    if (node != null) {
      return node.accept(this);
    return null;

  /// 遍历节点列表
  List<Map> _safelyVisitNodeList(NodeList<AstNode> nodes) {
    List<Map> maps = [];
    if (nodes != null) {
      int size = nodes.length;
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        var node = nodes[i];
        if (node != null) {
          var res = node.accept(this);
          if (res != null) {
    return maps;


class MyAstVisitor extends SimpleAstVisitor<Map> {

  /// 遍历节点
  Map _safelyVisitNode(AstNode node) {
    if (node != null) {
      return node.accept(this);
    return null;

  /// 遍历节点列表
  List<Map> _safelyVisitNodeList(NodeList<AstNode> nodes) {
    List<Map> maps = [];
    if (nodes != null) {
      int size = nodes.length;
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        var node = nodes[i];
        if (node != null) {
          var res = node.accept(this);
          if (res != null) {
    return maps;

  Map _buildAstRoot(List<Map> body) {
    if (body.isNotEmpty) {
      return {
        "type": "Program",
        "body": body,
    } else {
      return null;

  Map visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
    return _buildAstRoot(_safelyVisitNodeList(node.declarations));


int incTen(int a) {
  int b = a + 10;
  return b;

首先我们写一个Command-lines 程序,程序中使用上面提到的GeneralizingAstVisitor类来打印输出这段源代码生成的AST语法树中的各节点访问路径是什么样子:

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';

void main(List<String> arguments) {
  exitCode = 0; // presume success
  final parser = ArgParser()..addFlag("file", negatable: false, abbr: 'f');

  var argResults = parser.parse(arguments);
  final paths = argResults.rest;
  if (paths.isEmpty) {
    stdout.writeln('No file found');
  } else {

class DemoAstVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<Map> {
  Map visitNode(AstNode node) {
    //输出遍历AST Node 节点内容
    return super.visitNode(node);

Future generate(String path) async {
  if (path.isEmpty) {
    stdout.writeln("No file found");
  } else {
    await _handleError(path);
    if (exitCode == 2) {
      try {
        var parseResult =
            parseFile(path: path, featureSet: FeatureSet.fromEnableFlags([]));
        var compilationUnit = parseResult.unit;
      } catch (e) {
        stdout.writeln('Parse file error: ${e.toString()}');

Future _handleError(String path) async {
  if (await FileSystemEntity.isDirectory(path)) {
    stderr.writeln('error: $path is a directory');
  } else {
    exitCode = 2;


dart main.dart -f dsldemos/demo_blog_code2.dart

(demo_blog_code2.dart 为测试源代码文件),输出如下:



class MyAstVisitor extends SimpleAstVisitor<Map> {
  /// 遍历节点
  Map _safelyVisitNode(AstNode node) {
    if (node != null) {
      return node.accept(this);
    return null;

  /// 遍历节点列表
  List<Map> _safelyVisitNodeList(NodeList<AstNode> nodes) {
    List<Map> maps = [];
    if (nodes != null) {
      int size = nodes.length;
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        var node = nodes[i];
        if (node != null) {
          var res = node.accept(this);
          if (res != null) {
    return maps;

  Map _buildAstRoot(List<Map> body) {
    if (body.isNotEmpty) {
      return {
        "type": "Program",
        "body": body,
    } else {
      return null;

  //构造代码块Bloc 结构
  Map _buildBloc(List body) => {"type": "BlockStatement", "body": body};

  Map _buildBinaryExpression(Map left, Map right, String lexeme) => {
        "type": "BinaryExpression",
        "operator": lexeme,
        "left": left,
        "right": right

  Map _buildVariableDeclaration(Map id, Map init) => {
        "type": "VariableDeclarator",
        "id": id,
        "init": init,

  Map _buildVariableDeclarationList(
          Map typeAnnotation, List<Map> declarations) =>
        "type": "VariableDeclarationList",
        "typeAnnotation": typeAnnotation,
        "declarations": declarations,
  Map _buildIdentifier(String name) => {"type": "Identifier", "name": name};

  Map _buildNumericLiteral(num value) =>
      {"type": "NumericLiteral", "value": value};

  Map _buildFunctionDeclaration(Map id, Map expression) => {
        "type": "FunctionDeclaration",
        "id": id,
        "expression": expression,

  Map _buildFunctionExpression(Map params, Map typeParameters, Map body) => {
        "type": "FunctionExpression",
        "parameters": params,
        "typeParameters": typeParameters,
        "body": body,

  Map _buildFormalParameterList(List<Map> parameterList) =>
      {"type": "FormalParameterList", "parameterList": parameterList};

  Map _buildSimpleFormalParameter(Map type, String name) =>
      {"type": "SimpleFormalParameter", "paramType": type, "name": name};

  Map _buildTypeName(String name) => {
        "type": "TypeName",
        "name": name,

  Map _buildReturnStatement(Map argument) => {
        "type": "ReturnStatement",
        "argument": argument,

  Map visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit node) {
    return _buildAstRoot(_safelyVisitNodeList(node.declarations));

  Map visitBlock(Block node) {
    return _buildBloc(_safelyVisitNodeList(node.statements));

  Map visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {
    return _safelyVisitNode(node.block);

  Map visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
    return _buildVariableDeclaration(
        _safelyVisitNode(node.name), _safelyVisitNode(node.initializer));

  Map visitVariableDeclarationStatement(VariableDeclarationStatement node) {
    return _safelyVisitNode(node.variables);

  Map visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
    return _buildVariableDeclarationList(
        _safelyVisitNode(node.type), _safelyVisitNodeList(node.variables));

  Map visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
    return _buildIdentifier(node.name);

  Map visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
    return _buildBinaryExpression(_safelyVisitNode(node.leftOperand),
        _safelyVisitNode(node.rightOperand), node.operator.lexeme);

  Map visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral node) {
    return _buildNumericLiteral(node.value);

  Map visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
    return _buildFunctionDeclaration(
        _safelyVisitNode(node.name), _safelyVisitNode(node.functionExpression));

  Map visitFunctionDeclarationStatement(FunctionDeclarationStatement node) {
    return _safelyVisitNode(node.functionDeclaration);

  Map visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
    return _buildFunctionExpression(_safelyVisitNode(node.parameters),
        _safelyVisitNode(node.typeParameters), _safelyVisitNode(node.body));

  Map visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
    return _buildSimpleFormalParameter(
        _safelyVisitNode(node.type), node.identifier.name);

  Map visitFormalParameterList(FormalParameterList node) {
    return _buildFormalParameterList(_safelyVisitNodeList(node.parameters));

  Map visitTypeName(TypeName node) {
    return _buildTypeName(node.name.name);

  Map visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
    return _buildReturnStatement(_safelyVisitNode(node.expression));



 try {
   var parseResult =
     parseFile(path: path, featureSet: FeatureSet.fromEnableFlags([]));
   var compilationUnit = parseResult.unit;
   var astData = compilationUnit.accept(MyAstVisitor());
 } catch (e) {
   stdout.writeln('Parse file error: ${e.toString()}');



