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本篇是笔者解读源码项目 iOS-Framework-Analysis 的开篇,今年计划完成10个优秀第三方源码解读,欢迎star和笔者一起解读这些优秀框架的背后思想,从而提升自己的内功。该篇详细的源码注释已上传 fishhook源码注释,如有需要请自取 🐝🐝。




Mach-O: 在iOS和OS X系统下,所有可执行文件、dylib 以及 Bundle都是Mach-O格式。主要有HeaderLoad CommandsData组成。


// header
struct mach_header {
    uint32_t    magic;      /* mach magic number identifier */
    cpu_type_t  cputype;    /* cpu specifier */
    cpu_subtype_t   cpusubtype; /* machine specifier */
    uint32_t    filetype;   /* type of file */
    uint32_t    ncmds;      /* number of load commands */
    uint32_t    sizeofcmds; /* the size of all the load commands */
    uint32_t    flags;      /* flags */

struct mach_header_64 {
    uint32_t    magic;      /* mach magic number identifier */
    cpu_type_t  cputype;    /* cpu specifier */
    cpu_subtype_t   cpusubtype; /* machine specifier */
    uint32_t    filetype;   /* type of file */
    uint32_t    ncmds;      /* number of load commands */
    uint32_t    sizeofcmds; /* the size of all the load commands */
    uint32_t    flags;      /* flags */
    uint32_t    reserved;   /* reserved */

// load command
struct load_command {
    uint32_t cmd;       /* type of load command */
    uint32_t cmdsize;   /* total size of command in bytes */

// load command中的segment_command
// 32&64位字段都相同      
struct segment_command_64 { /* for 64-bit architectures */
    uint32_t    cmd;        /* LC_SEGMENT_64 */
    uint32_t    cmdsize;    /* includes sizeof section_64 structs*/
    char        segname[16];    /* segment name */
    uint64_t    vmaddr;        /* memory address of this segment*/
    uint64_t    vmsize;        /* memory size of this segment */
    uint64_t    fileoff;    /* file offset of this segment */
    uint64_t    filesize;    /* amount to map from the file */
    vm_prot_t    maxprot;    /* maximum VM protection */
    vm_prot_t    initprot;    /* initial VM protection */
    uint32_t    nsects;        /* number of sections in segment*/
    uint32_t    flags;        /* flags */

// _DATA中的section
// 32&64位字段都相同      
 struct section_64
     char sectname[16];
     char segname[16];
     uint64_t addr;
     uint64_t size;
     uint32_t offset;
     uint32_t align;
     uint32_t reloff;
     uint32_t nreloc;
     uint32_t flags;
     uint32_t reserved1;
     uint32_t reserved2;

dyld ( the dynamic link editor ):负责将各种各样程序需要的镜像加载到程序运行的内存空间中,这个过程发生的时间非常早 — 在 objc 运行时初始化之前。


_dyld_register_func_for_add_image: 每个镜像被dyld加载时,都会执行系统注册过的回调函数,可以通过该方法注册自定义的回调函数,当调用该函数注册时,会让所有镜像都执行回调函数,无论是否已经加载过。

dyld_stub_binder: 在目标符号(例如 printf)首次被调用时,将其链接到指定的动态链接库 ,找到对应的符号表真实地址进行绑定(printf 符号位于 _DATA 端中的 lazy 符号表中)。


fishhook正是利用动态绑定机制,先确定某一个符号在 _DATA 段中的位置,然后保存原符号对应的函数指针,并使用新的函数指针覆盖原有符号的函数指针,实现替换。



#ifndef fishhook_h
#define fishhook_h

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#if !defined(FISHHOOK_EXPORT)
#define FISHHOOK_VISIBILITY _attribute_((visibility("hidden")))
#define FISHHOOK_VISIBILITY _attribute_((visibility("default")))

#ifdef _cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif //_cplusplus

 * A structure representing a particular intended rebinding from a symbol
 * name to its replacement
struct rebinding {
  const char *name; // 被hook的函数名
  void *replacement;  // 替换的函数指针(IMP)
  void **replaced;  // 用于存放原函数指针的指针(成功替换后会将原函数指针放入其中)

 * For each rebinding in rebindings, rebinds references to external, indirect
 * symbols with the specified name to instead point at replacement for each
 * image in the calling process as well as for all future images that are loaded
 * by the process. If rebind_functions is called more than once, the symbols to
 * rebind are added to the existing list of rebindings, and if a given symbol
 * is rebound more than once, the later rebinding will take precedence.
// 参数分别是结构体rebinding数组和数组元素个数
int rebind_symbols(struct rebinding rebindings[], size_t rebindings_nel);

 * Rebinds as above, but only in the specified image. The header should point
 * to the mach-o header, the slide should be the slide offset. Others as above.
// 在指定的image中进行替换,header为该镜像的header,slider为偏移量,其他如上。
int rebind_symbols_image(void *header,
                         intptr_t slide,
                         struct rebinding rebindings[],
                         size_t rebindings_nel);

#ifdef _cplusplus
#endif //_cplusplus

#endif //fishhook_h


#include "fishhook.h"

#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <mach/vm_map.h>
#include <mach/vm_region.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <mach-o/nlist.h>

#ifdef _LP64_
typedef struct mach_header_64 mach_header_t;
typedef struct segment_command_64 segment_command_t;
typedef struct section_64 section_t;
typedef struct nlist_64 nlist_t;
typedef struct mach_header mach_header_t;
typedef struct segment_command segment_command_t;
typedef struct section section_t;
typedef struct nlist nlist_t;


struct rebindings_entry {
  struct rebinding *rebindings;
  size_t rebindings_nel;
  struct rebindings_entry *next;

static struct rebindings_entry *_rebindings_head;

首先是引入头文件,按照不同架构定义一些系统结构体,并定义 rebindings_entry 链表节点,创建一个私有的链表头节点 _rebindings_head,每次调用都会将最新的rebindings_entry插入头部。


我们从 rebind_symbols(struct rebinding rebindings[], size_t rebindings_nel) 调用入手,看下整个代码逻辑是怎么样的。

int rebind_symbols(struct rebinding rebindings[], size_t rebindings_nel) {
  int retval = prepend_rebindings(&_rebindings_head, rebindings, rebindings_nel);
  if (retval < 0) {
    return retval;
  // If this was the first call, register callback for image additions (which is also invoked for
  // existing images, otherwise, just run on existing images
  if (!_rebindings_head->next) {
  } else {
    uint32_t c = _dyld_image_count();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c; i++) {
      _rebind_symbols_for_image(_dyld_get_image_header(i), _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(i));
  return retval;

rebind_symbols 主要做了两件事,首先是调用 prepend_rebindings 将传入的rebindings封装成rebindings_entry,并插入到私有链表的表头。

static int prepend_rebindings(struct rebindings_entry **rebindings_head,
                              struct rebinding rebindings[],
                              size_t nel) {
  // 创建rebindings_entry节点
  struct rebindings_entry *new_entry = (struct rebindings_entry *) malloc(sizeof(struct rebindings_entry));
  if (!new_entry) {
    return -1;
  new_entry->rebindings = (struct rebinding *) malloc(sizeof(struct rebinding) * nel);
  if (!new_entry->rebindings) {
    return -1;
  memcpy(new_entry->rebindings, rebindings, sizeof(struct rebinding) * nel);
  new_entry->rebindings_nel = nel;
  // 每次都将新创建的rebindings_entry放到链表rebindings_head最前面
  new_entry->next = *rebindings_head;
  *rebindings_head = new_entry;
  return 0;

接着通过链表内容判断是否是第一次执行,如果是首次则调用函数 _dyld_register_func_for_add_image 注册自定义回调,系统会在进行dyld链接时自动执行回调。非首次调用则遍历所有镜像(image),手动执行自定义回调方法。

通过自定义回调方法 _rebind_symbols_for_image 实现查找符号在镜像中的位置,并在镜像的 _DATA段 中绑定我们自己的实现。


rebind_symbols_for_image 做的事可以分成两部分,第一部分是在Load Commands找到与符号表相关command,并得到符号表的准备地址,包括在动态符号表、符号表和字符串表。

// 对真正实现方法的简单封装
static void _rebind_symbols_for_image(const struct mach_header *header,
                                      intptr_t slide) {
    rebind_symbols_for_image(_rebindings_head, header, slide);

static void rebind_symbols_for_image(struct rebindings_entry *rebindings,
                                     const struct mach_header *header,
                                     intptr_t slide) {
  Dl_info info;
  if (dladdr(header, &info) == 0) {
  // 找到与符号表相关的 command,包括 linkedit segment command、symtab command 和 dysymtab command
  segment_command_t *cur_seg_cmd;
  segment_command_t *linkedit_segment = NULL; //LINKEDIT
  struct symtab_command* symtab_cmd = NULL; //符号表
  struct dysymtab_command* dysymtab_cmd = NULL; //间接符号表
  //1. 遍历加载命令,获得MachO中LINKEDIT、符号表、间接符号表三个加载命令
  // 每个mach-o由(header、load commands、 data)三块区域组成
  // 要去寻找load command,所以这里先跳过sizeof(mach_header_t)大小
  uintptr_t cur = (uintptr_t)header + sizeof(mach_header_t);
  for (uint i = 0; i < header->ncmds; i++, cur += cur_seg_cmd->cmdsize) {
    cur_seg_cmd = (segment_command_t *)cur;
  //_LINKEDIT段 含有为动态链接库使用的原始数据,比如符号,字符串,重定位表条目等等
   LC_SEGMENT_64 含有为动态链接库使用的原始数据
      Symbol Table(符号表)的偏移量与Symbol Table中元素的个数
      String Table(字符串表)的偏移量与String Table的长度
    if (cur_seg_cmd->cmd == LC_SEGMENT_ARCH_DEPENDENT) {
      if (strcmp(cur_seg_cmd->segname, SEG_LINKEDIT) == 0) {
        linkedit_segment = cur_seg_cmd;
    } else if (cur_seg_cmd->cmd == LC_SYMTAB) {
      symtab_cmd = (struct symtab_command*)cur_seg_cmd;
    } else if (cur_seg_cmd->cmd == LC_DYSYMTAB) {
      dysymtab_cmd = (struct dysymtab_command*)cur_seg_cmd;
  if (!symtab_cmd || !dysymtab_cmd || !linkedit_segment ||
      !dysymtab_cmd->nindirectsyms) {

  // 找到符号表的地址
  // 本来是:基址=linkedit内存地址 - linkedit的fileoff
  // 由于ASLR:真实基址 = linkedit内存地址(vmaddr) + slide - fileoff
  uintptr_t linkedit_base = (uintptr_t)slide + linkedit_segment->vmaddr - linkedit_segment->fileoff;
  //符号表的地址 = 基址 + 符号表偏移量
  nlist_t *symtab = (nlist_t *)(linkedit_base + symtab_cmd->symoff);
  //字符串表的地址 = 基址 + 字符串表偏移量
  char *strtab = (char *)(linkedit_base + symtab_cmd->stroff);
  //动态符号表地址 = 基址 + 动态符号表偏移量
  uint32_t *indirect_symtab = (uint32_t *)(linkedit_base + dysymtab_cmd->indirectsymoff);


第二部分是遍历镜像_DATA中的section,找到 LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS 和 NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS,由开头可知,这两个section是在Mach_O的_DATA段中用来绑定non-lazy和lazy 的符号表,最后调用替换方法perform_rebinding_with_section

为什么要找 LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS/NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS? NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS 非懒加载指针表 LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS 懒加载指针表,符号第一次调用时通过 dyld 中的 dyld_stub_binder进行加载到表中 这两个表是_DATA中跟动态符号链接相关的部分,所以需要找到原方法这两个部分的指针去替换链接方法 对于动态链接库里面的C函数,第一次调用的时候,我们会得到函数和实现地址的对应关系,函数的实现地址存放在一个叫 LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS 的地方,第二次调用的时候,直接通过 LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS 找到函数地址就可以,不再需要繁琐的获取函数地址的过程。


  //2. 遍历加载命令,得到DATA,然后遍历DATA里面的section,找到nl_symbol_ptr(got)/la_symbol_ptr
  cur = (uintptr_t)header + sizeof(mach_header_t);
  for (uint i = 0; i < header->ncmds; i++, cur += cur_seg_cmd->cmdsize) {
    cur_seg_cmd = (segment_command_t *)cur;
    if (cur_seg_cmd->cmd == LC_SEGMENT_ARCH_DEPENDENT) {
      if (strcmp(cur_seg_cmd->segname, SEG_DATA) != 0 &&
          strcmp(cur_seg_cmd->segname, SEG_DATA_CONST) != 0) {
      for (uint j = 0; j < cur_seg_cmd->nsects; j++) {
         //_DATA 加上结构体偏移
         //          struct segment_command_64 { /* for 64-bit architectures */
          //          uint32_t    cmd;        /* LC_SEGMENT_64 */
          //          uint32_t    cmdsize;    /* includes sizeof section_64 structs*/
          //          char        segname[16];    /* segment name */
          //          uint64_t    vmaddr;        /* memory address of this segment*/
          //          uint64_t    vmsize;        /* memory size of this segment */
          //          uint64_t    fileoff;    /* file offset of this segment */
          //          uint64_t    filesize;    /* amount to map from the file */
          //          vm_prot_t    maxprot;    /* maximum VM protection */
          //          vm_prot_t    initprot;    /* initial VM protection */
          //          uint32_t    nsects;        /* number of sections in segment*/
          //          uint32_t    flags;        /* flags */
          //      };
        section_t *sect =
          (section_t *)(cur + sizeof(segment_command_t)) + j;
        if ((sect->flags & SECTION_TYPE) == S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS) {
          perform_rebinding_with_section(rebindings, sect, slide, symtab, strtab, indirect_symtab);
        if ((sect->flags & SECTION_TYPE) == S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS) {
          perform_rebinding_with_section(rebindings, sect, slide, symtab, strtab, indirect_symtab);


该方法根据传入的 NON-Lazy 或 Lazy 数据段,遍历该数据段的符号,找到其对应的符号名并与传入的符号名进行匹配,命中则进行替换。

static void perform_rebinding_with_section(struct rebindings_entry *rebindings,
                                           section_t *section,
                                           intptr_t slide,
                                           nlist_t *symtab, // 符号表
                                           char *strtab, // 字符串表
                                           uint32_t *indirect_symtab // 动态符号表
                                           ) {
  const bool isDataConst = strcmp(section->segname, "__DATA_CONST") == 0;
  // 符号表访问指针地址替换
  // `nl_symbol_ptr`和`la_symbol_ptr`section中的`reserved1`字段指明对应在`indirect symbol table`起始的index
  //  获得该section符号表的起始地址
  uint32_t *indirect_symbol_indices = indirect_symtab + section->reserved1;
  // 得到该section段的所有函数地址
  void **indirect_symbol_bindings = (void **)((uintptr_t)slide + section->addr);
  vm_prot_t oldProtection = VM_PROT_READ;
  if (isDataConst) {
    oldProtection = get_protection(rebindings);
    // protect()函数可以用来修改一段指定内存区域的保护属性。
    // 这里暂时将常量区权限改成可读可写
    mprotect(indirect_symbol_bindings, section->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
  for (uint i = 0; i < section->size / sizeof(void *); i++) {
    // 从动态符号表中取得符号在符号表中的位置
    uint32_t symtab_index = indirect_symbol_indices[i];
    if (symtab_index == INDIRECT_SYMBOL_ABS || symtab_index == INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL ||
        symtab_index == (INDIRECT_SYMBOL_LOCAL   | INDIRECT_SYMBOL_ABS)) {
    uint32_t strtab_offset = symtab[symtab_index].n_un.n_strx;
    char *symbol_name = strtab + strtab_offset;
    bool symbol_name_longer_than_1 = symbol_name[0] && symbol_name[1];
    // 遍历rebindings数组,比较符号,相同则进行替换
    struct rebindings_entry *cur = rebindings;
    while (cur) {
      for (uint j = 0; j < cur->rebindings_nel; j++) {
        if (symbol_name_longer_than_1 &&
            strcmp(&symbol_name[1], cur->rebindings[j].name) == 0) {
          // 判断原实现是否有被保存过,既实现和现在表中的实现是否一致
          if (cur->rebindings[j].replaced != NULL &&
              indirect_symbol_bindings[i] != cur->rebindings[j].replacement) {
            *(cur->rebindings[j].replaced) = indirect_symbol_bindings[i];
          // 更改函数为新的实现
          indirect_symbol_bindings[i] = cur->rebindings[j].replacement;
          goto symbol_loop;
      cur = cur->next;
  // 恢复常量区的访问权限
  if (isDataConst) {
    int protection = 0;
    if (oldProtection & VM_PROT_READ) {
      protection |= PROT_READ;  // 按位或后赋值
    if (oldProtection & VM_PROT_WRITE) {
      protection |= PROT_WRITE;
    if (oldProtection & VM_PROT_EXECUTE) {
      protection |= PROT_EXEC;
    mprotect(indirect_symbol_bindings, section->size, protection);


fishhook 首先通过遍历镜像的 load commans 段获取符号表、动态符号表和字符串表,接着遍历 Data 段,得到 LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS 和 NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS,里面记录着镜像的符号段在动态符号表的位置( indirect_symtab+section->reserve1 )和所有符号对应的实现指针地址( section->addr ),再通过遍历动态符号取得每个符号和符号名进行比对,与传入的符号相同时则进行实现的替换。
fishhook也有其局限性,由于是依赖 Mach-O 的动态绑定机制实现的,所以只能Hook在外部共享库中的函数,对于编译时就已经确定的内部/自定义的 C 函数 fishhook 就无能为力了。


趣探 Mach-O:FishHook 解析