iOS源码解析: performSelector是如何实现的?

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/// An opaque type that represents a method selector.
typedef struct objc_selector *SEL;
Method selectors are used to represent the name of a method at runtime. A method selector is a C string that has been registered (or “mapped“) with the Objective-C runtime. Selectors generated by the compiler are automatically mapped by the runtime when the class is loaded.

You can add new selectors at runtime and retrieve existing selectors using the function sel_registerName.

When using selectors, you must use the value returned from sel_registerName or the Objective-C compiler directive @selector(). You cannot simply cast a C string to SEL.


struct objc_selector {
    void *sel_id;  
    const char *sel_types;

或者简单理解为char *, 映射到方法的C字符串。

struct objc_selector  {
  char name[64 or ...];



A pointer to the start of a method implementation.

id (*IMP)(id, SEL, ...)

This data type is a pointer to the start of the function that implements the method. This function uses standard C calling conventions as implemented for the current CPU architecture. The first argument is a pointer to self (that is, the memory for the particular instance of this class, or, for a class method, a pointer to the metaclass). The second argument is the method selector. The method arguments follow.



typedef struct objc_method *Method;
An opaque type that represents a method in a class definition.
struct _objc_method {
	struct objc_selector * _cmd;
	const char *method_type;
	void  *_imp;

selector 与 NSObject


The performSelector: method is equivalent to sending an aSelector message directly to the receiver. The performSelector: method allows you to send messages that aren’t determined until run-time. This means that you can pass a variable selector as the argument.



 * If we respond to the method directly, create and return a method
 * signature.  Otherwise raise an exception.
- (NSMethodSignature*) methodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
  struct objc_method	*mth;

  if (0 == aSelector)
      return nil;
  mth = GSGetMethod(object_getClass(self), aSelector, YES, YES);
  if (mth != 0)
      const char	*types = method_getTypeEncoding(mth);

      if (types != 0)
	  return [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes: types];
  [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format:
    @"NSProxy should not implement 'methodSignatureForSelector:'"];
  return nil;


typedef Method	GSMethod;

GSGetMethod(Class cls, SEL sel,
  BOOL searchInstanceMethods,
  BOOL searchSuperClasses)
  if (cls == 0 || sel == 0)
      return 0;

  if (searchSuperClasses == NO)
      unsigned int	count;
      Method		method = NULL;
      Method		*methods;

      if (searchInstanceMethods == NO)
	  methods = class_copyMethodList(object_getClass(cls), &count);
	  methods = class_copyMethodList(cls, &count);
      if (methods != NULL)
	  unsigned int	index = 0;

	  while ((method = methods[index++]) != NULL)
	      if (sel_isEqual(sel, method_getName(method)))
      return method;
      if (searchInstanceMethods == NO)
	  return class_getClassMethod(cls, sel);
	  return class_getInstanceMethod(cls, sel);




- (IMP)methodForSelector:(SEL)sel {
  return class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass(self), sel);


 * Returns a pointer to the C function implementing the method used
 * to respond to messages with aSelector.
 * <br />Raises NSInvalidArgumentException if given a null selector.
- (IMP) methodForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
  if (aSelector == 0)
    [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException
		format: @"%@ null selector given", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)];
  /* The Apple runtime API would do:
   * return class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass(self), aSelector);
   * but this cannot ask self for information about any method reached by
   * forwarding, so the returned forwarding function would ge a generic one
   * rather than one aware of hardware issues with returning structures
   * and floating points.  We therefore prefer the GNU API which is able to
   * use forwarding callbacks to get better type information.
  return objc_msg_lookup(self, aSelector);




 * Performs the specified selector.  The selector must correspond to a method
 * that takes no arguments.
- (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
 * Performs the specified selector, with the object as the argument.  This
 * method does not perform any automatic unboxing, so the selector must
 * correspond to a method that takes one object argument.
- (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
	    withObject: (id)anObject;
 * Performs the specified selector, with the objects as the arguments.  This
 * method does not perform any automatic unboxing, so the selector must
 * correspond to a method that takes two object arguments.
- (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
	    withObject: (id)object1
	    withObject: (id)object2;
 * Returns YES if the object can respond to messages with the specified
 * selector.  The default implementation in NSObject returns YES if the
 * receiver has a method corresponding to the method, but other classes may
 * return YES if they can respond to a selector using one of the various
 * forwarding mechanisms.
- (BOOL) respondsToSelector: (SEL)aSelector;

在swift/stdlib/public/runtime/SwiftObject.mm中, performSelector的底层实现如下:

- (id)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
  return ((id(*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(self, aSelector);

- (id)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)object {
  return ((id(*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(self, aSelector, object);

- (id)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)object1
                                     withObject:(id)object2 {
  return ((id(*)(id, SEL, id, id))objc_msgSend)(self, aSelector, object1,


 * Causes the receiver to execute the method implementation corresponding
 * to aSelector and returns the result.<br />
 * The method must be one which takes two arguments and returns an object.
 * <br />Raises NSInvalidArgumentException if given a null selector.
- (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
	    withObject: (id) object1
	    withObject: (id) object2
  IMP msg;

  if (aSelector == 0)
    [NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException
		format: @"%@ null selector given", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)];

  /* The Apple runtime API would do:
   * msg = class_getMethodImplementation(object_getClass(self), aSelector);
   * but this cannot ask self for information about any method reached by
   * forwarding, so the returned forwarding function would ge a generic one
   * rather than one aware of hardware issues with returning structures
   * and floating points.  We therefore prefer the GNU API which is able to
   * use forwarding callbacks to get better type information.
  msg = objc_msg_lookup(self, aSelector);
  if (!msg)
      [NSException raise: NSGenericException
		   format: @"invalid selector '%s' passed to %s",
                   sel_getName(aSelector), sel_getName(_cmd)];
      return nil;

  return (*msg)(self, aSelector, object1, object2);






- (void) cancelAllOperations {
  [[self operations] makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(cancel)];


[orderedGroups makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(sendError:) withObject:error];
[orderedGroups makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(sendCompleted)];


 * Makes each object in the array perform aSelector.<br />
 * This is done sequentially from the first to the last object.
- (void) makeObjectsPerformSelector: (SEL)aSelector
  NSUInteger	c = [self count];

  if (c > 0)
      IMP	        get = [self methodForSelector: oaiSel];
      NSUInteger	i = 0;

      while (i < c)
	  [(*get)(self, oaiSel, i++) performSelector: aSelector];

selector 与 runloop



延迟执行的方法都在NSObject的一个category (TimedPerformers)中。

 * Sets given message to be sent to this instance after given delay,
 * in any run loop mode.  See [NSRunLoop].
- (void) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
	      withObject: (id)argument
	      afterDelay: (NSTimeInterval)seconds
  NSRunLoop		*loop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
  GSTimedPerformer	*item;

  item = [[GSTimedPerformer alloc] initWithSelector: aSelector
					                                   target: self
					                                 argument: argument
					                                    delay: seconds];
  [[loop _timedPerformers] addObject: item];
  [loop addTimer: item->timer forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode];




而cancel selector的相关方法都是从NSRunLoop对象的_timedPerformers数组中找到对应的GSTimedPerformer,执行其invalidate即可。源码如下:

 * Cancels any perform operations set up for the specified target
 * in the current run loop.
+ (void) cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: (id)target
  NSMutableArray	*perf = [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] _timedPerformers];
  unsigned		count = [perf count];

  if (count > 0)
      GSTimedPerformer	*array[count];

      [perf getObjects: array];
      while (count-- > 0)
	  GSTimedPerformer	*p = array[count];

	  if (p->target == target)
	      [p invalidate];
	      [perf removeObjectAtIndex: count];

 * Cancels any perform operations set up for the specified target
 * in the current loop, but only if the value of aSelector and argument
 * with which the performs were set up match those supplied.<br />
 * Matching of the argument may be either by pointer equality or by
 * use of the [NSObject-isEqual:] method.
+ (void) cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: (id)target
					selector: (SEL)aSelector
					  object: (id)arg
  NSMutableArray	*perf = [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] _timedPerformers];
  unsigned		count = [perf count];

  if (count > 0)
      GSTimedPerformer	*array[count];

      [perf getObjects: array];
      while (count-- > 0)
	  GSTimedPerformer	*p = array[count];

	  if (p->target == target && sel_isEqual(p->selector, aSelector)
	    && (p->argument == arg || [p->argument isEqual: arg]))
	      [p invalidate];
	      [perf removeObjectAtIndex: count];



 * The GSTimedPerformer class is used to hold information about
 * messages which are due to be sent to objects at a particular time.
@interface GSTimedPerformer: NSObject
  SEL		selector;
  id		target;
  id		argument;
  NSTimer	*timer;

- (void) fire;
- (id) initWithSelector: (SEL)aSelector
		 target: (id)target
	       argument: (id)argument
		  delay: (NSTimeInterval)delay;
- (void) invalidate;


@implementation GSTimedPerformer

- (void) dealloc
  [self finalize];
  [super dealloc];

- (void) fire
  [target performSelector: selector withObject: argument];
  [[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] _timedPerformers]
    removeObjectIdenticalTo: self];

- (void) finalize
  [self invalidate];

- (id) initWithSelector: (SEL)aSelector
		 target: (id)aTarget
	       argument: (id)anArgument
		  delay: (NSTimeInterval)delay
  self = [super init];
  if (self != nil)
      selector = aSelector;
      target = RETAIN(aTarget);
      argument = RETAIN(anArgument);
      timer = [[NSTimer allocWithZone: NSDefaultMallocZone()]
	initWithFireDate: nil
		interval: delay
		  target: self
		selector: @selector(fire)
		userInfo: nil
		 repeats: NO];
  return self;

- (void) invalidate
  if (timer != nil)
      [timer invalidate];


这完全就是NSTimer的使用场景,没啥可说的。将timer加到runloo中,然后timer的时机到了,执行 [target performSelector: selector withObject: argument]; 即可。



@interface NSRunLoop(OPENSTEP)

- (void) addPort: (NSPort*)port
         forMode: (NSString*)mode;

- (void) cancelPerformSelectorsWithTarget: (id)target;

- (void) cancelPerformSelector: (SEL)aSelector
			target: (id)target
		      argument: (id)argument;

- (void) configureAsServer;

- (void) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
		  target: (id)target
		argument: (id)argument
		   order: (NSUInteger)order
		   modes: (NSArray*)modes;

- (void) removePort: (NSPort*)port
            forMode: (NSString*)mode;



 * Sets up sending of aSelector to target with argument.<br />
 * The selector is sent before the next runloop iteration (unless
 * cancelled before then) in any of the specified modes.<br />
 * The target and argument objects are retained.<br />
 * The order value is used to determine the order in which messages
 * are sent if multiple messages have been set up. Messages with a lower
 * order value are sent first.<br />
 * If the modes array is empty, this method has no effect.
- (void) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
		  target: (id)target
		argument: (id)argument
		   order: (NSUInteger)order
		   modes: (NSArray*)modes
  unsigned		count = [modes count];

  if (count > 0)
      NSString			*array[count];
      GSRunLoopPerformer	*item;

      item = [[GSRunLoopPerformer alloc] initWithSelector: aSelector
						   target: target
						 argument: argument
						    order: order];

      if ([modes isProxy])
	  unsigned	i;

	  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
	      array[i] = [modes objectAtIndex: i];
          [modes getObjects: array];
      while (count-- > 0)
	  NSString	*mode = array[count];
	  unsigned	end;
	  unsigned	i;
	  GSRunLoopCtxt	*context;
	  GSIArray	performers;

	  context = NSMapGet(_contextMap, mode);
	  if (context == nil)
	      context = [[GSRunLoopCtxt alloc] initWithMode: mode
						      extra: _extra];
	      NSMapInsert(_contextMap, context->mode, context);
	  performers = context->performers;

	  end = GSIArrayCount(performers);
	  for (i = 0; i < end; i++)
	      GSRunLoopPerformer	*p;

	      p = GSIArrayItemAtIndex(performers, i).obj;
	      if (p->order > order)
		  GSIArrayInsertItem(performers, (GSIArrayItem)((id)item), i);
	  if (i == end)
	      GSIArrayInsertItem(performers, (GSIArrayItem)((id)item), i);
	  i = GSIArrayCount(performers);
	  if (i % 1000 == 0 && i > context->maxPerformers)
	      context->maxPerformers = i;
	      if (sel_isEqual(aSelector, @selector(fire)))
		  NSLog(@"WARNING ... there are %u performers scheduled"
		    @" in mode %@ of %@\n(Latest: fires %@)",
		    i, mode, self, target);
		  NSLog(@"WARNING ... there are %u performers scheduled"
		    @" in mode %@ of %@\n(Latest: [%@ %@])",
		    i, mode, self, NSStringFromClass([target class]),


p = GSIArrayItemAtIndex(performers, i).obj;
if (p->order > order)
  GSIArrayInsertItem(performers, (GSIArrayItem)((id)item), i);



 *	The GSRunLoopPerformer class is used to hold information about
 *	messages which are due to be sent to objects once each runloop
 *	iteration has passed.
@interface GSRunLoopPerformer: NSObject
  SEL		selector;
  id		target;
  id		argument;
  unsigned	order;

- (void) fire;
- (id) initWithSelector: (SEL)aSelector
		 target: (id)target
	       argument: (id)argument
		  order: (NSUInteger)order;
@implementation GSRunLoopPerformer

- (void) dealloc
  [super dealloc];

- (void) fire
      [target performSelector: selector withObject: argument];
      NSLog(@"*** NSRunLoop ignoring exception '%@' (reason '%@') "
        @"raised during performSelector... with target %s(%s) "
        @"and selector '%s'",
        [localException name], [localException reason],
        GSObjCIsInstance(target) ? "instance" : "class",

- (id) initWithSelector: (SEL)aSelector
		 target: (id)aTarget
	       argument: (id)anArgument
		  order: (NSUInteger)theOrder
  self = [super init];
  if (self)
      selector = aSelector;
      target = RETAIN(aTarget);
      argument = RETAIN(anArgument);
      order = theOrder;
  return self;


我们看到最关键的一句是 [target performSelector: selector withObject: argument]; ,target是id类型,所以这又回到了NSObject的performSelector函数。




在runloop的 runMode:beforeDate: 方法中:

- (BOOL) runMode: (NSString*)mode beforeDate: (NSDate*)date

  [self _checkPerformers: context];
  [self acceptInputForMode: mode beforeDate: d];


- (BOOL) _checkPerformers: (GSRunLoopCtxt*)context

  GSRunLoopPerformer	*array[count];
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
    array[i] = GSIArrayItemAtIndex(performers, i).obj;
  performers->count = 0;

  /* Finally, fire the requests and release them.
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
    [array[i] fire];
    IF_NO_GC([arp emptyPool];)



  1. 调用runloop的 runMode:beforeDate: 方法
  2. 在[self _checkPerformers: context]中,遍历执行每个GSRunLoopPerformer对象的fire函数。
  3. 其中调用[target performSelector: selector withObject: argument]即可。

selector 与 Thread

再看指定线程的相关接口是如何实现的呢?NSObject (NSThreadPerformAdditions) 中。


 * <p>This method performs aSelector on the receiver, passing anObject as
 * an argument, but does so in the specified thread.  The receiver
 * and anObject are both retained until the method is performed.
 * </p>
 * <p>The selector is performed when the runloop of aThread next
 * runs in one of the modes specified in anArray.<br />
 * Where this method has been called more than once before the runloop
 * of the thread runs in the required mode, the order in which the
 * operations in the thread is done is the same as that in which
 * they were added using this method.
 * </p>
 * <p>If there are no modes in anArray,
 * the method has no effect and simply returns immediately.
 * </p>
 * <p>The argument aFlag specifies whether the method should wait until
 * the selector has been performed before returning.<br />
 * <strong>NB.</strong> This method does <em>not</em> cause the runloop of
 * aThread to be run ... so if the runloop is not executed by some
 * code in aThread, the thread waiting for the perform to complete
 * will block forever.
 * </p>
 * <p>As a special case, if aFlag == YES and the current thread is aThread,
 * the modes array is ignored and the selector is performed immediately.
 * This behavior is necessary to avoid the current thread being blocked by
 * waiting for a perform which will never happen because the runloop is
 * not executing.
 * </p>
- (void) performSelectorOnMainThread: (SEL)aSelector
			  withObject: (id)anObject
		       waitUntilDone: (BOOL)aFlag
			       modes: (NSArray*)anArray
  /* It's possible that this method could be called before the NSThread
   * class is initialised, so we check and make sure it's initiailised
   * if necessary.
  if (defaultThread == nil)
      [NSThread currentThread];
  [self performSelector: aSelector
               onThread: defaultThread
             withObject: anObject
          waitUntilDone: aFlag
                  modes: anArray];

 * Invokes -performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:
 * using the supplied arguments and an array containing common modes.<br />
 * These modes consist of NSRunLoopMode, NSConnectionreplyMode, and if
 * in an application, the NSApplication modes.
- (void) performSelectorOnMainThread: (SEL)aSelector
			  withObject: (id)anObject
		       waitUntilDone: (BOOL)aFlag
  [self performSelectorOnMainThread: aSelector
			 withObject: anObject
		      waitUntilDone: aFlag
			      modes: commonModes()];


 * <p>This method performs aSelector on the receiver, passing anObject as
 * an argument, but does so in the specified thread.  The receiver
 * and anObject are both retained until the method is performed.
 * </p>
 * <p>The selector is performed when the runloop of aThread next
 * runs in one of the modes specified in anArray.<br />
 * Where this method has been called more than once before the runloop
 * of the thread runs in the required mode, the order in which the
 * operations in the thread is done is the same as that in which
 * they were added using this method.
 * </p>
 * <p>If there are no modes in anArray,
 * the method has no effect and simply returns immediately.
 * </p>
 * <p>The argument aFlag specifies whether the method should wait until
 * the selector has been performed before returning.<br />
 * <strong>NB.</strong> This method does <em>not</em> cause the runloop of
 * aThread to be run ... so if the runloop is not executed by some
 * code in aThread, the thread waiting for the perform to complete
 * will block forever.
 * </p>
 * <p>As a special case, if aFlag == YES and the current thread is aThread,
 * the modes array is ignored and the selector is performed immediately.
 * This behavior is necessary to avoid the current thread being blocked by
 * waiting for a perform which will never happen because the runloop is
 * not executing.
 * </p>
- (void) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
                onThread: (NSThread*)aThread
              withObject: (id)anObject
           waitUntilDone: (BOOL)aFlag
                   modes: (NSArray*)anArray
  GSRunLoopThreadInfo   *info;
  NSThread	        *t;

  if ([anArray count] == 0) {

  t = GSCurrentThread();
  if (aThread == nil) {
    aThread = t;
  info = GSRunLoopInfoForThread(aThread);
  if (t == aThread) {
    /* Perform in current thread.
    if (aFlag == YES || info->loop == nil) {
      /* Wait until done or no run loop.
	    [self performSelector: aSelector withObject: anObject];
	  } else {
      /* Don't wait ... schedule operation in run loop.
	    [info->loop performSelector: aSelector
                           target: self
                         argument: anObject
                            order: 0
                            modes: anArray];
  } else {
    GSPerformHolder   *h;
    NSConditionLock	*l = nil;

    if ([aThread isFinished] == YES) {
      [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException
        format: @"perform [%@-%@] attempted on finished thread (%@)",
        NSStringFromClass([self class]),
    if (aFlag == YES) {
	    l = [[NSConditionLock alloc] init];

    h = [GSPerformHolder newForReceiver: self
		                           argument: anObject
		                           selector: aSelector
		                              modes: anArray
		                               lock: l];
    [info addPerformer: h];
    if (l != nil) {
      [l lockWhenCondition: 1];
	    [l unlock];
      if ([h isInvalidated] == NO) {
        /* If we have an exception passed back from the remote thread,
         * re-raise it.
        if (nil != h->exception) {
          NSException       *e = AUTORELEASE(RETAIN(h->exception));

          [e raise];

 * Invokes -performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:modes:
 * using the supplied arguments and an array containing common modes.<br />
 * These modes consist of NSRunLoopMode, NSConnectionreplyMode, and if
 * in an application, the NSApplication modes.
- (void) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
                onThread: (NSThread*)aThread
              withObject: (id)anObject
           waitUntilDone: (BOOL)aFlag
  [self performSelector: aSelector
               onThread: aThread
             withObject: anObject
          waitUntilDone: aFlag
                  modes: commonModes()];

 * Creates and runs a new background thread sending aSelector to the receiver
 * and passing anObject (which may be nil) as the argument.
- (void) performSelectorInBackground: (SEL)aSelector
                          withObject: (id)anObject
  [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: aSelector
                           toTarget: self
                         withObject: anObject];


  1. 若waitUntilDone传入YES,且runloop为nil,则直接执行[self performSelector: aSelector withObject: anObject],相当于调用objc_msgSend。
  2. 否则,调用runloop的performSelector:target:argument:order:modes:方法将任务加入runloop中。



h = [GSPerformHolder newForReceiver: self
                           argument: anObject
                           selector: aSelector
                              modes: anArray
                               lock: l];
 * This class performs a dual function ...
 * <p>
 *   As a class, it is responsible for handling incoming events from
 *   the main runloop on a special inputFd.  This consumes any bytes
 *   written to wake the main runloop.<br />
 *   During initialisation, the default runloop is set up to watch
 *   for data arriving on inputFd.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   As instances, each  instance retains perform receiver and argument
 *   values as long as they are needed, and handles locking to support
 *   methods which want to block until an action has been performed.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   The initialize method of this class is called before any new threads
 *   run.
 * </p>
@interface GSPerformHolder : NSObject
  id			receiver;
  id			argument;
  SEL			selector;
  NSConditionLock	*lock;		// Not retained.
  NSArray		*modes;
  BOOL                  invalidated;
  NSException           *exception;
+ (GSPerformHolder*) newForReceiver: (id)r
			   argument: (id)a
			   selector: (SEL)s
			      modes: (NSArray*)m
			       lock: (NSConditionLock*)l;
- (void) fire;
- (void) invalidate;
- (BOOL) isInvalidated;
- (NSArray*) modes;


- (void) fire
  GSRunLoopThreadInfo   *threadInfo;

  if (receiver == nil){
    return;	// Already fired!
  threadInfo = GSRunLoopInfoForThread(GSCurrentThread());
  [threadInfo->loop cancelPerformSelectorsWithTarget: self];
      [receiver performSelector: selector withObject: argument];
      ASSIGN(exception, localException);
      if (nil == lock)
          NSLog(@"*** NSRunLoop ignoring exception '%@' (reason '%@') "
            @"raised during perform in other thread... with receiver %p (%s) "
            @"and selector '%s'",
            [localException name], [localException reason], receiver,
  if (lock != nil)
      NSConditionLock	*l = lock;

      [lock lock];
      lock = nil;
      [l unlockWithCondition: 1];

fire函数中,先是调用了runloop的cancelPerformSelectorsWithTarget函数。然后就是直接调用 [receiver performSelector: selector withObject: argument]; ,即最终都是objc_msgSend。


# define NS_DURING       @try {
# define NS_HANDLER      } @catch (NSException * localException) {
# define NS_ENDHANDLER   }




/* Used to handle events performed in one thread from another.
@interface      GSRunLoopThreadInfo : NSObject
  NSRunLoop             *loop;
  NSLock                *lock;
  NSMutableArray        *performers;
#ifdef _WIN32
  HANDLE	        event;
  int                   inputFd;
  int                   outputFd;
/* Add a performer to be run in the loop's thread.  May be called from
 * any thread.
- (void) addPerformer: (id)performer;
/* Fire all pending performers in the current thread.  May only be called
 * from the runloop when the event/descriptor is triggered.
- (void) fire;
/* Cancel all pending performers.
- (void) invalidate;

/* Return (and optionally create) GSRunLoopThreadInfo for the specified
 * thread (or the current thread if aThread is nil).<br />
 * If aThread is nil and no value is set for the current thread, create
 * a GSRunLoopThreadInfo and set it for the current thread.
GSRunLoopThreadInfo *
GSRunLoopInfoForThread(NSThread *aThread) GS_ATTRIB_PRIVATE;

通常使用 *GSRunLoopThreadInfo info = GSRunLoopInfoForThread(aThread); 来从线程中获取runloop相关信息。


GSRunLoopThreadInfo *
GSRunLoopInfoForThread(NSThread *aThread)
  GSRunLoopThreadInfo   *info;

  if (aThread == nil) {
    aThread = GSCurrentThread();
  if (aThread->_runLoopInfo == nil) {
    [gnustep_global_lock lock];
    if (aThread->_runLoopInfo == nil) {
      aThread->_runLoopInfo = [GSRunLoopThreadInfo new];
    [gnustep_global_lock unlock];
  info = aThread->_runLoopInfo;
  return info;



if (YES == signalled)
      [performers addObject: performer];
  [lock unlock];
  if (NO == signalled)
      /* We failed to add the performer ... so we must invalidate it in
       * case there is code waiting for it to complete.
      [performer invalidate];


/* Fire all pending performers in the current thread.  May only be called
 * from the runloop when the event/descriptor is triggered.
- (void) fire;


for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
  GSPerformHolder	*h = [toDo objectAtIndex: i];

  [loop performSelector: @selector(fire)
                 target: h
               argument: nil
                  order: 0
                  modes: [h modes]];


+ (BOOL) awakenedBefore: (NSDate*)when
  GSRunLoopThreadInfo   *threadInfo = GSRunLoopInfoForThread(nil);
  NSTimeInterval	ti = (when == nil) ? 0.0 : [when timeIntervalSinceNow];
  int			milliseconds = (ti <= 0.0) ? 0 : (int)(ti*1000);
  struct pollfd		pollfds;

  /* Watch for signals from other threads.
  pollfds.fd = threadInfo->inputFd; = POLLIN;
  pollfds.revents = 0;
  if (poll(&pollfds, 1, milliseconds) == 1)
      NSDebugMLLog(@"NSRunLoop", @"Fire perform on thread");
      [threadInfo fire];
      return YES;
  return NO;


  1. (BOOL)runMode: (NSString*)mode beforeDate: (NSDate*)date;
  2. (void)acceptInputForMode:(NSRunLoopMode)mode beforeDate:(NSDate *)limitDate;
  3. [GSRunLoopCtxt awakenedBefore: nil];
  4. GSRunLoopThreadInfo:fire
  5. [loop performSelector: @selector(fire)


- (void) acceptInputForMode: (NSString*)mode
		 beforeDate: (NSDate*)limit_date

  done = [context pollUntil: timeout_ms within: _contextStack];

 * Perform a poll for the specified runloop context.
 * If the method has been called re-entrantly, the contexts stack
 * will list all the contexts with polls in progress
 * and this method must tell those outer contexts not to handle events
 * which are handled by this context.
- (BOOL) pollUntil: (int)milliseconds within: (NSArray*)contexts
  GSRunLoopThreadInfo   *threadInfo = GSRunLoopInfoForThread(nil);


  if (fdIndex == threadInfo->inputFd)
    NSDebugMLLog(@"NSRunLoop", @"Fire perform on thread");
    [threadInfo fire];
    watcher = nil;





RunLoop.current.perform {
public func perform(inModes modes: [RunLoop.Mode], block: @escaping () -> Void) {
    CFRunLoopPerformBlock(getCFRunLoop(), ( { $0._cfStringUniquingKnown })._cfObject, block)

public func perform(_ block: @escaping () -> Void) {
    perform(inModes: [.default], block: block)




SEL cop = @selector(copy);
NSString *a = @"aaa";
id se = [a performSelector:cop];
NSLog(@"se %@", se);
se = nil; // 手动置为nil释放内存,以免存在内存泄漏


SEL selector = @selector(onTestPerformSeletor);
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
    [self performSelector:selector];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
