喜大普奔: Vue 3.0 正式版发布

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Today we are proud to announce the official release of Vue.js 3.0 "One Piece". This new major version of the framework provides improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, better TypeScript integration, new APIs for tackling large scale use cases, and a solid foundation for long-term future iterations of the framework

  • 今天,我们很自豪地宣布Vue.js 3.0“ One Piece”的正式发布。该框架的新主要版本提供了改进的性能,更小的包大小,更好的TypeScript集成,用于处理大规模用例的新API,以及为框架的长期未来迭代奠定了坚实的基础.

  • 小弟就是来报信的,因为抑制不住内心的狂躁,就 bia 了一段告示原文和耿直的google翻译,实在装不下去了,赶紧撤,黑脸表情(看我头像),哈哈哈

  • github.com/vuejs/vue-n…